I Ketut Darma
I Ketut Darma
Politeknik Negeri Bali
在 pnb.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Blended learning, inovasi strategi pembelajaran matematika di era revolusi industri 4.0 bagi pendidikan tinggi
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana
PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika 3, 527-539, 2020
The effectiveness of teaching program of CIPP evaluation model
IK Darma
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research 5 …, 2019
Blended learning is an educational innovation and solution during the COVID-19 pandemic
I Karma, IK Darma, I Santiana
International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research, 2021
Implementing the context, input, process, product (CIPP) evaluation model to measure the effectiveness of the implementation of teaching at Politeknik Negeri Bali (PNB)
IN Gunung, IK Darma
International Journal of Environmental and Science Education-IJESE 14 (1), 33-39, 2019
The effect of problem based learning model and authentic assessment on mathematical problem solving ability by using numeric ability as the covariable
IK Darma, IM Candiasa, IW Sadia, N Dantes
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1040 (1), 012035, 2018
Pengaruh model pembelajaran konstruktivisme terhadap prestasi belajar matematika terapan pada mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Bali
K Darma
Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan 14 (70), 157-181, 2008
Improving mathematical problem solving ability through problem-based learning and authentic assessment for the students of Bali State Polytechnic
IK Darma
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 953 (1), 012099, 2018
Teaching strategies and technology integration in developing blended learning of applied mathematics subject
I Karma, IK Darma, I Santiana
International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research, 2019
The Development of Blended Learning Model in Applied Mathematics by Using LMS Schoology: Requirement Analysis Stage
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research 5 …, 2019
Problem-based learning and authentic assessment on conceptual understanding and ability to solve mathematical problems
IK Darma, IM Candiasa, IW Sadia, N Dantes
International Research Journal of Engineering, IT and Scientific Research 4 …, 2018
Need analysis for developing applied mathematics textbooks based on blended learning to improve problem solving abilities at the students of polytechnic state of Bali
IK Darma, I Karma, I Santiana
AIP Conference Proceedings 2268 (1), 2020
Validity and practicality test of applied mathematics digital teaching materials for blended learning for polytechnic students
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana
Soshum: Jurnal Sosial Dan Humaniora 11 (1), 44-53, 2021
Schoology based applied mathematics blended learning model to improve the students’ problem-solving ability
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1810 (1), 012040, 2021
Needs Analysis Development of Applied Mathematical Blended Learning Models Using Schoology LMS.
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1569 (4), 042060, 2020
The effectiveness and constraints of learning in polytechnic education
IN Gunung, IK Darma
Jurnal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan 23 (2), 170-183, 2019
Equality of competencies for diploma 3 mechanical engineering study program graduates of Bali State Polytechnic (BSP) with the competencies needed by the world of work in Bali
IK Darma, IW Suastawa, I Putrawan
International research journal of engineering, IT & scientific research 8 (6 …, 2022
Need Analysis for Developing Applied Mathematics Teaching Materials Based on Blended Learning to Improve Communication and Problem Solving Abilities by the Students of State …
IK Darma, IGM Karma, IMA Santiana, E Irene
Soshum: Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora 10 (2), 183-196, 2020
Evaluation of learning programs at Bali State Polytechnic (BSP)
IN Gunung, IK Darma
International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 1129-1134, 2018
Efektivitas Media Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Software Maple Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Aljabar Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Teknik Mesin Politeknik Negeri Bali
IK Darma, MPDIK Darma
Jurnal Teknodik, 1-14, 2011
Dkk. 2020., Blended Learning, Inovasi Strategi Pembelajaran Matematika di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Bagi Pendidikan Tinggi
IK Darma
Jurnal Prisma: Unnes, 0
文章 1–20