Robert Kalbarczyk
Robert Kalbarczyk
Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu
在 upwr.edu.pl 的电子邮件经过验证
Air temperature changes and phenological phases of field cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) in Poland, 1966-2005
R Kalbarczyk
Horticultural Science 36 (2), 75-83, 2009
Czynniki agrometeorologiczne a plony ziemniaka w różnych rejonach Polski
R Kalbarczyk
Acta Agrophysica 4 (2), 339-350, 2004
Typology of climate change adaptation measures in Polish cities up to 2030
E Kalbarczyk, R Kalbarczyk
Land 9 (10), 351, 2020
Spatial and temporal variability of the occurrence of ground frost in Poland and its effect on growth, development and yield of pickling cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.), 1966–2005
R Kalbarczyk
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 9 (3), 3-26, 2010
Temporal and spatial diversity of the occurrence of atmospheric drought in Poland (1966-2005) and its effect of yield of pickling cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
R Kalbarczyk
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 8 (4), 1147-1162, 2010
Potrzeby i niedobory opadów atmosferycznych w uprawie ziemniaka średnio późnego i późnego w Polsce
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2009
Potential reduction in cucumber yield (Cucumis sativus L.) in Poland caused by unfavourable thermal conditions of soil
R Kalbarczyk
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 8 (4), 45-58, 2009
The Impact of Climate Change and Strong Anthropopressure on the Annual Growth of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Wood Growing in Eastern Poland
R Kalbarczyk, M Ziemiańska, A Nieróbca, J Dobrzańska
Forests 9 (11), 661, 2018
Variability in particulate matter concentrations versus precipitation in Pomerania region
M Czarnecka, R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk
Pol. J. Natur. Sc 22 (4), 645-659, 2007
Warunki termiczno-opadowe a plonowanie ziemniaka w Polsce
R Kalbarczyk
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska. Sectio E. Agricultura 58, 35-44, 2003
The needs and deficiency in atmospheric precipitation in cultivated mid-late and late potato in Poland
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk
Infrastruct. Ecol. Rural Areas 3, 129-140, 2009
Warunki meteorologiczne kształtujące zmienność stężenia pyłu zawieszonego na Pomorzu
M Czarnecka, R Kalbarczyk
Acta Agrophysica 11 (2 [157]), 2008
Ochrona i zarządzanie krajobrazem kulturowym
B Raszka, E Kalbarczyk, K Kasprzak, R Kalbarczyk
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego, 2016
Assessment of air thermal conditions in the lowland part of south-western Poland for agriculture development purposes
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk, M Ziemiańska, B Raszka
Atmosphere 9 (6), 215, 2018
Biometeorological determinants of the tropospheric ozone concentration in the suburban conditions of Wrocław, Poland
R Kalbarczyk, R Sobolewski, E Kalbarczyk
Journal of Elementology 21 (3), 2016
Time and spatial distribution of agrotechnical dates and phenological stages of cucumber in western Poland
R Kalbarczyk
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Hortorum Cultus 5 (2), 2006
Wplyw czynnikow agrometeorologicznych na plonowanie ziemniakow w wojewodztwie lubelskim
R Kalbarczyk
Folia Universitatis Agriculturae Stetinensis. Agricultura 79, 91-97, 1999
Research into meteorological drought in Poland during the growing season from 1951 to 2020 using the standardized precipitation index
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk
Agronomy 12 (9), 2035, 2022
Meteorological conditions of the winter-time distribution of nitrogen oxides in Poznań: A proposal for a catalog of the pollutants variation
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk
Urban Climate 33, 100649, 2020
Temporal changes in concentration of PM10 dust in Poznań, middle-west Poland as dependent on meteorological conditions.
R Kalbarczyk, E Kalbarczyk, B Raszka
Applied Ecology & Environmental Research 16 (2), 2018
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