Paula García Andrade
Paula García Andrade
Profesora Propia Adjunta del Área de Derecho Internacional Público, Universidad Pontificia Comillas
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EU cooperation with third countries in the field of migration
P García Andrade, I Martín
EU External Competences in the Field of Migration: How to Act Externally When Thinking Internally
PG Andrade
Common Market Law Review 55 (1), 157-200, 2018
Extraterritorial Strategies To Tackle Irregular Immigration By Sea: A Spanish Perspective
P García Andrade
Extraterritorial Immigration Control: Legal Challenges 21, 311, 2010
"The Legal Feasibility of the EU?s External Action on Legal Migration: The Internal and the External Intertwined"
P García Andrade
European Journal of Migration and Law 15 (3), 263-281, 2013
EU External Competences in the Field of Migration: How to Act Externally when Thinking Internally?’(2018)
PG Andrade
CML Rev 1, 157, 0
La acción exterior de la Unión Europea en materia migratoria. Un problema de reparto de competencias
P García Andrade
Tirant lo Blanch (Valencia, España), 2014
The role of the European Parliament in the adoption of non- legally binding agreements with third countries
PG Andrade
Santos Vara and Sánchez Rodríguez-Tabernero (eds.), The Democratisation of …, 2018
The Distribution of Powers Between EU Institutions for Conducting External Affairs through Non- Binding Instruments
PG Andrade
European Papers 1 (1), 115-125, 2016
EU cooperation on migration with partner countries within the New Pact: new instruments for a new paradigm?
P García Andrade
EU Migration Law Blog 8, 2020
Initiatives of EU Member States in Managing Mixed Flows in the Mediterranean and the EU Distribution of Competences
PG Andrade
The common European Asylum system and human rights: Enhancing protection in …, 2014
La ciudadanía europea y la sucesión de Estados: a vueltas con las implicaciones de una separación territorial en el seno de la UE
PG Andrade
Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, 997-1025, 2014
Privileged Third-Country Nationals and Their Right of Free Movement and Residence to and in the EU: Questions of Status and Competence
P García Andrade
The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship, 111, 2013
EU external competences on migration: which role for mixed agreements?
PG Andrade
Constitutionalising the External Dimensions of EU Migration Policies in …, 2019
The duty of cooperation in the external dimension of the EU migration policy
P García Andrade
Brill/Nijhoff (Leiden, Países Bajos (los)), 2019
EU Cooperation with Third Countries within the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: New Instruments for a ‘Change of Paradigm’?
PG Andrade
Reforming the Common European Asylum System, 223-238, 2022
Secession within the Union Intersection Points of International and European Law
CM Brölmann, TA Vandamme, P Dermine, S van den Driest, ...
Amsterdam Law School Research Paper, 2014
La geometría variable y la dimensión exterior del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia
P García Andrade
La dimensión exterior del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia de la …, 2012
EU Cooperation with Third Countries in the Field of Migration. Study for the LIBE Committee
P García Andrade, I Martïn, S Mananashvili
XX doc number, xxx, Brussels, European Parliament, 2015
State succession and EU citizenship
PG Andrade
Secession Within the Union. Intersection Points of International and …, 2014
Respect for Institutional Balance in the Adoption of Non-legally Binding Agreements: France v Commission II
P García Andrade
Hart (Oxford, Reino Unido), 2022
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