The Radio Plasma Imager investigation on the IMAGE spacecraft BW Reinisch, DM Haines, K Bibl, G Cheney, IA Galkin, X Huang, ... the IMAGE Mission, 319-359, 2000 | 218 | 2000 |
Evidence of high‐latitude reconnecting during northward IMF: Hawkeye observations RL Kessel, SH Chen, JL Green, SF Fung, SA Boardsen, LC Tan, ... Geophysical research letters 23 (5), 583-586, 1996 | 189 | 1996 |
On the origin of whistler mode radiation in the plasmasphere JL Green, S Boardsen, L Garcia, WWL Taylor, SF Fung, BW Reinisch Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A3), 2005 | 167 | 2005 |
Plasma density distribution along the magnetospheric field: RPI observations from IMAGE BW Reinisch, X Huang, P Song, GS Sales, SF Fung, JL Green, ... Geophysical research letters 28 (24), 4521-4524, 2001 | 113 | 2001 |
Plasmaspheric mass loss and refilling as a result of a magnetic storm BW Reinisch, X Huang, P Song, JL Green, SF Fung, VM Vasyliunas, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A1), 2004 | 112 | 2004 |
Staircase ion signature in the polar cusp: A case study CP Escoubet, MF Smith, SF Fung, PC Anderson, RA Hoffman, ... Geophysical research letters 19 (17), 1735-1738, 1992 | 109 | 1992 |
First results from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE BW Reinisch, X Huang, DM Haines, IA Galkin, JL Green, RF Benson, ... Geophysical research letters 28 (6), 1167-1170, 2001 | 82 | 2001 |
Recent development in the NASA trapped radiation models SF Fung Radiation Belts: Models and Standards 97, 79-91, 1996 | 82 | 1996 |
Small‐scale field‐aligned plasmaspheric density structures inferred from the Radio Plasma Imager on IMAGE DL Carpenter, MA Spasojević, TF Bell, US Inan, BW Reinisch, IA Galkin, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A9), SMP 22-1-SMP 22-19, 2002 | 78 | 2002 |
A plasmaspheric mass density model and constraints on its heavy ion concentration D Berube, MB Moldwin, SF Fung, JL Green Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 110 (A4), 2005 | 69 | 2005 |
Correlation of Pc5 wave power inside and outside themagnetosphere during high speed streams RL Kessel, IR Mann, SF Fung, DK Milling, N O'Connell Annales Geophysicae 22 (2), 629-641, 2004 | 67 | 2004 |
Configuration of high‐latitude and high‐altitude boundary layers TE Eastman, SA Boardsen, SH Chen, SF Fung, RL Kessel Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 105 (A10), 23221-23238, 2000 | 62 | 2000 |
The feasibility of radio sounding in the magnetosphere W Calvert, RF Benson, DL Carpenter, SF Fung, DL Gallagher, JL Green, ... Radio Science 30 (5), 1577-1595, 1995 | 57 | 1995 |
Electron density distribution over the northern polar region deduced from IMAGE/radio plasma imager sounding PA Nsumei, X Huang, BW Reinisch, P Song, VM Vasyliunas, JL Green, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 108 (A2), 2003 | 54 | 2003 |
High-altitude cusp positions sampled by the Hawkeye satellite SF Fung, TE Eastman, SA Boardsen, SH Chen Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 22 (7-8), 653-662, 1997 | 47 | 1997 |
Observation of magnetospheric relativistic electrons accelerated by Pc‐5 ULF waves LC Tan, SF Fung, X Shao Geophysical Research Letters 31 (14), 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Seasonal and solar cycle dynamics of the auroral kilometric radiation source region JL Green, S Boardsen, L Garcia, SF Fung, BW Reinisch Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A5), 2004 | 46 | 2004 |
Exterior and interior polar cusps: Observations from Hawkeye SH Chen, SA Boardsen, SF Fung, JL Green, RL Kessel, LC Tan, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 102 (A6), 11335-11347, 1997 | 43 | 1997 |
On the origin of kilometric continuum JL Green, BR Sandel, SF Fung, DL Gallagher, BW Reinisch Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 107 (A7), SMP 12-1-SMP 12-10, 2002 | 42 | 2002 |
Association of kilometric continuum radiation with plasmaspheric structures JL Green, S Boardsen, SF Fung, H Matsumoto, K Hashimoto, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 109 (A3), 2004 | 41 | 2004 |