Keith Crnic
Keith Crnic
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An integrative model for the study of developmental competencies in minority children
CG Coll, K Crnic, G Lamberty, BH Wasik, R Jenkins, HV Garcia, ...
Child development 67 (5), 1891-1914, 1996
Minor parenting stresses with young children
KA Crnic, MT Greenberg
Child development 61 (5), 1628-1637, 1990
Effects of stress and social support on mothers and premature and full-term infants
KA Crnic, MT Greenberg, AS Ragozin, NM Robinson, RB Basham
Child development, 209-217, 1983
Pre‐school children with and without developmental delay: behaviour problems and parenting stress over time
BL Baker, LL McIntyre, J Blacher, K Crnic, C Edelbrock, C Low
Journal of intellectual disability research 47 (4‐5), 217-230, 2003
Cumulative parenting stress across the preschool period: Relations to maternal parenting and child behaviour at age 5
KA Crnic, C Gaze, C Hoffman
Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and …, 2005
Behavior problems and parenting stress in families of three-year-old children with and without developmental delays
BL Baker, J Blacher, KA Crnic, C Edelbrock
American journal on mental retardation 107 (6), 433-444, 2002
Everyday stresses and parenting
K Crnic
Handbook of parenting 5, 2002
Adaptation of families with mentally retarded children: a model of stress, coping, and family ecology.
KA Crnic, WN Friedrich, MT Greenberg
American journal of mental deficiency 88 (2), 125-138, 1983
Mothering, fathering, and infant negativity as antecedents of boys' externalizing problems and inhibition at age 3 years: Differential susceptibility to rearing experience?
JAY Belsky, KH Hsieh, K Crnic
Development and psychopathology 10 (2), 301-319, 1998
A short-form of the Questionnaire on Resources and Stress.
WN Friedrich, MT Greenberg, K Crnic
American journal of mental deficiency 88 (1), 41-48, 1983
Personality and parenting: Exploring the mediating role of transient mood and daily hassles
J Belsky, K Crnic, S Woodworth
Journal of personality 63 (4), 905-929, 1995
Social interaction and developmental competence of preterm and full-term infants during the first year of life
KA Crnic, AS Ragozin, MT Greenberg, NM Robinson, RB Basham
Child development, 1199-1210, 1983
Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of daily hassles of parenting across early childhood
KA Crnic, CL Booth
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1042-1050, 1991
The determinants of coparenting in families with toddler boys: Spousal differences and daily hassles
J Belsky, K Crnic, S Gable
Child development 66 (3), 629-642, 1995
Effects of maternal age on parenting role.
AS Ragozin, RB Basham, KA Crnic, MT Greenberg, NM Robinson
Developmental Psychology 18 (4), 627, 1982
Maternal depression and parenting: Implications for children's emergent emotion regulation and behavioral functioning
C Hoffman, KA Crnic, JK Baker
Parenting: Science and Practice 6 (4), 271-295, 2006
Resilience and the course of daily parenting stress in families of young children with intellectual disabilities
ED Gerstein, KA Crnic, J Blacher, BL Baker
Journal of intellectual disability research 53 (12), 981-997, 2009
Trouble in the second year: Three questions about family interaction
J Belsky, S Woodworth, K Crnic
Child development 67 (2), 556-578, 1996
Infant emotionality, parenting, and 3-year inhibition: exploring stability and lawful discontinuity in a male sample.
SY Park, J Belsky, S Putnam, K Crnic
Developmental psychology 33 (2), 218, 1997
Coparenting, parenting, and early emotional development
J Belsky, S Putnam, K Crnic
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 1996 (74), 45-55, 1996
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