Ron Salden
The worked-example effect: Not an artefact of lousy control conditions
R Schwonke, A Renkl, C Krieg, J Wittwer, V Aleven, R Salden
Computers in human behavior 25 (2), 258-266, 2009
The expertise reversal effect and worked examples in tutored problem solving
RJCM Salden, V Aleven, R Schwonke, A Renkl
Instructional Science 38, 289-307, 2010
Mental effort and performance as determinants for the dynamic selection of learning tasks in air traffic control training
RJCM Salden, F Paas, NJ Broers, JJG Van Merrienboer
Instructional science 32, 153-172, 2004
Accounting for beneficial effects of worked examples in tutored problem solving
RJCM Salden, KR Koedinger, A Renkl, V Aleven, BM McLaren
Educational Psychology Review 22, 379-392, 2010
Worked examples and tutored problem solving: redundant or synergistic forms of support?
RJCM Salden, VA Aleven, A Renkl, R Schwonke
Topics in Cognitive Science 1 (1), 203-213, 2009
A comparison of approaches to learning task selection in the training of complex cognitive skills
RJCM Salden, F Paas, JJG van Merriënboer
Computers in Human Behavior 22 (3), 321-333, 2006
Personalised adaptive task selection in air traffic control: Effects on training efficiency and transfer
RJCM Salden, F Paas, JJG Van Merriënboer
Learning and Instruction 16 (4), 350-362, 2006
Metacognitive support promotes an effective use of instructional resources in intelligent tutoring
R Schwonke, A Ertelt, C Otieno, A Renkl, V Aleven, RJCM Salden
Learning and Instruction 23, 136-150, 2013
Can tutored problem solving benefit from faded worked-out examples
R Schwonke, J Wittwer, V Aleven, R Salden, C Krieg, A Renkl
European Cognitive Science Conference, 23-27, 2007
Effectiveness of cognitive-load based adaptive instruction in genetics education
L Mihalca, RJCM Salden, G Corbalan, F Paas, M Miclea
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (1), 82-88, 2011
Effects of different ratios of worked solution steps and problem solving opportunities on cognitive load and learning outcomes
R Schwonke, A Renkl, R Salden, V Aleven
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (1), 58-62, 2011
Dynamic task selection in flight management system training
RJCM Salden, F Paas, J Van der Pal, JJG van Merrienboer
The International Journal of Aviation Psychology 16 (2), 157-174, 2006
Can Help Seeking Behavior in Intelligent Tutoring Systems Be Used as Online Measure for Goal Orientation?
C Otieno, R Schwonke, R Salden, A Renkl
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 35 (35), 2013
Comparing worked examples and tutored problem solving: Pure vs. mixed approaches
R Weitz, R Salden, R Kim, N Heffernan
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 32 (32), 2010
Dynamic Selection of Learning Tasks According to the 4C/ID-Model.
JJG Van Merrienboer, R Salden, G Corbalan, M De Croock, L Kester, ...
Association for Educational Communications and Technology, 2004
Dynamic Task Selection in aviation training
RJCM Salden
Selection of Learning Tasks Based on Performance and Cognitive Load Scores as a Way To Optimize the Learning Process.
RJCM Salden, F Paas, JJG van Merrienboer
Measuring learning progress via self-explanations versus problem solving-A Suggestion for optimizing adaptation in intelligent tutoring systems
C Otieno, R Schwonke, A Renkl, V Aleven, R Salden
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 33 (33), 2011
Can Tutored Problem Solving Be Improved By Learning from Examples?
R Salden, V Aleven, A Renkl
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 29 (29), 2007
Are worked examples and tutored problem solving synergistic forms of support?
R Salden, V Aleven, R Schwonke, A Renkl
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on International conference …, 2008
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