Feng Hou
Feng Hou
在 massey.ac.nz 的电子邮件经过验证
Fuzzy rough sets and fuzzy rough neural networks for feature selection: A review
W JI, Y Pang, X Jia, Z Wang, F Hou, B Song, M Liu, R Wang
WIREs Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2021
Improving Entity Linking through Semantic Reinforced Entity Embeddings
F Hou, R Wang, J He, Y Zhou
The 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics …, 2020
Deep learning methods in real-time image super-resolution: a survey
X Li, Y Wu, W Zhang, R Wang, F Hou
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 17 (6), 1885-1909, 2020
Mining Chinese comparative sentences by semantic role labeling
F Hou, GH Li
2008 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics 5, 2563-2568, 2008
Improved Meta Learning for Low Resource Speech Recognition
S Singh, R Wang, F Hou
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Understanding consumers’ continuance intention to watch streams: A value-based continuance intention model
X Jia, Y Pang, B Huang, F Hou
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1073301, 2023
How to Design Translation Prompts for ChatGPT: An Empirical Study
Y Gao, RW Wang, F Hou
arXiv e-prints (2023) 2304, 2023
Adversarial multi-task learning with inverse mapping for speech enhancement
Y Qiu, R Wang, F Hou, S Singh, Z Ma, X Jia
Applied Soft Computing 120, 108568, 2022
Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT for Translation: An Empirical Study
Y Gao, R Wang, F Hou
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.02182, 2023
CyclicAugment: Speech Data Random Augmentation with Cosine Annealing Scheduler For Speech Recognition
Z Wang, F Hou, Y Qiu, Z Ma, S Singh, R Wang
InterSpeech 2022, 2022
Determining the best Acoustic Features for Smoker Identification
Z Ma, Y Qiu, F Hou, R Wang, JTW Chu, C Bullen
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
Fine-grained entity typing with a type taxonomy: a systematic review
R Wang, F Hou, SF Cahan, L Chen, X Jia, W Ji
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (5), 4794-4812, 2022
Transfer Learning for Fine-grained Entity Typing
F Hou, R Wang, Y Zhou
Knowledge and Information Systems, 2021
Self-Supervised Learning Based Phone-Fortified Speech Enhancement
Y Qiu, R Wang, S Singh, Z Ma, F Hou
Proc. Interspeech 2021, 211-215, 2021
Learning and integration of adaptive hybrid graph structures for multivariate time series forecasting
T Guo, F Hou, Y Pang, X Jia, Z Wang, R Wang
Information Sciences 648, 119560, 2023
A Novel Self-training Approach for Low-resource Speech Recognition
S Singh, F Hou, R Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.05269, 2023
Automatic speech-based smoking status identification
Z Ma, S Singh, Y Qiu, F Hou, R Wang, C Bullen, JTW Chu
Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2022 Computing Conference, Volume …, 2022
Growing neural gas assisted evolutionary many-objective optimization for handling irregular Pareto fronts
R Hong, F Yao, T Liao, L Xing, Z Cai, F Hou
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 78, 101273, 2023
Decision variable contribution based adaptive mechanism for evolutionary multi-objective cloud workflow scheduling
J Li, L Xing, W Zhong, Z Cai, F Hou
Complex & Intelligent Systems 9 (6), 7337-7348, 2023
MobileACNet: ACNet-Based Lightweight Model for Image Classification
T Jiang, M Zong, Y Ma, F Hou, R Wang
International Conference on Image and Vision Computing New Zealand, 361-372, 2022
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