Luca Bertello
Luca Bertello
在 nso.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
A multi-observatory inter-comparison of line-of-sight synoptic solar magnetograms
P Riley, M Ben-Nun, JA Linker, Z Mikic, L Svalgaard, J Harvey, L Bertello, ...
Solar Physics 289, 769-792, 2014
Looking for gravity-mode multiplets with the GOLF experiment aboard SOHO
S Turck-Chièze, RA García, S Couvidat, RK Ulrich, L Bertello, F Varadi, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 604 (1), 455, 2004
Global solar Doppler velocity determination with the GOLF/SoHO instrument
RA García, S Turck-Chièze, P Boumier, JM Robillot, L Bertello, J Charra, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 442 (1), 385-395, 2005
Performance and early results from the GOLF instrument flown on the SOHO mission
AH Gabriel, J Charra, G Grec, JM Robillot, T Roca Cortés, S Turck-Chièze, ...
Solar Physics 175, 207-226, 1997
The Mount Wilson observatory S-index of the Sun
R Egeland, W Soon, S Baliunas, JC Hall, AA Pevtsov, L Bertello
The Astrophysical Journal 835 (1), 25, 2017
A search for solar modes in the GOLF data
AH Gabriel, F Baudin, P Boumier, RA García, S Turck-Chièze, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 390 (3), 1119-1131, 2002
Low-degree low-order solar p modes as seen by GOLF on board SOHO
RA García, C Régulo, S Turck-Chieze, L Bertello, AG Kosovichev, ...
Solar Physics 200, 361-379, 2001
First Results on it p Modes from GOLF Experiment
M Lazrek, F Baudin, L Bertello, P Boumier, J Charra, D Fierry-Fraillon, ...
Solar Physics 175, 227-246, 1997
Solar-cycle dependence of the Sun's apparent radius in the neutral iron spectral line at 525 nm
RK Ulrich, L Bertello
Nature 377 (6546), 214-215, 1995
A Century of Solar Ca ii Measurements and Their Implication for Solar UV Driving of Climate
P Foukal, L Bertello, WC Livingston, AA Pevtsov, J Singh, AG Tlatov, ...
Solar Physics 255, 229-238, 2009
Cyclic and long-term variation of sunspot magnetic fields
AA Pevtsov, L Bertello, AG Tlatov, A Kilcik, YA Nagovitsyn, EW Cliver
Solar Origins of Space Weather and Space Climate, 157-166, 2014
The Mount Wilson Ca ii K Plage Index Time Series
L Bertello, RK Ulrich, JE Boyden
Solar Physics 264, 31-44, 2010
Identification of solar acoustic modes of low angular degree and low radial order
L Bertello, F Varadi, RK Ulrich, CJ Henney, AG Kosovichev, RA García, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 537 (2), L143, 2000
Long-term variations in solar differential rotation and sunspot activity
J Javaraiah, L Bertello, RK Ulrich
Solar Physics 232, 25-40, 2005
Reconstructing solar magnetic fields from historical observations-I. Renormalized Ca K spectroheliograms and pseudo-magnetograms
AA Pevtsov, I Virtanen, K Mursula, A Tlatov, L Bertello
Astronomy & Astrophysics 585, A40, 2016
Interpretation of solar magnetic field strength observations
RK Ulrich, L Bertello, JE Boyden, L Webster
Solar Physics 255, 53-78, 2009
Analysis of asymmetric p-mode profiles in GOLF data
S Thiery, P Boumier, AH Gabriel, L Bertello, M Lazrek, RA García, G Grec, ...
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 355, p. 743-750 (2000) 355, 743-750, 2000
Comparison of ground-based and space-based longitudinal magnetograms
A Pietarila, L Bertello, JW Harvey, AA Pevtsov
Solar Physics 282, 91-106, 2013
Comparison of frequencies and rotational splittings of solar acoustic modes of low angular degree from simultaneous MDI and GOLF observations
L Bertello, CJ Henney, RK Ulrich, F Varadi, AG Kosovichev, PH Scherrer, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 535 (2), 1066, 2000
An analysis of apparent r-mode oscillations in solar activity, the solar diameter, the solar neutrino flux, and nuclear decay rates, with implications concerning the Sun’s …
PA Sturrock, L Bertello, E Fischbach, D Javorsek II, JH Jenkins, ...
Astroparticle Physics 42, 62-69, 2013
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