Patrik Byholm
The impact of climate and cyclic food abundance on the timing of breeding and brood size in four boreal owl species
A Lehikoinen, E Ranta, H Pietiäinen, P Byholm, P Saurola, J Valkama, ...
Oecologia 165, 349-355, 2011
Raptors as surrogates of biodiversity along a landscape gradient
D Burgas, P Byholm, T Parkkima
Journal of Applied Ecology 51 (3), 786-794, 2014
Reproduction of the common buzzard at its northern range margin under climatic change
A Lehikoinen, P Byholm, E Ranta, P Saurola, J Valkama, E Korpimäki, ...
Oikos 118 (6), 829-836, 2009
Wind conditions and geography shape the first outbound migration of juvenile honey buzzards and their distribution across sub-Saharan Africa
WMG Vansteelant, J Kekkonen, P Byholm
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1855), 20170387, 2017
Resource availability and goshawk offspring sex ratio variation: a large-scale ecological phenomenon
P Byholm, E Ranta, V Kaitala, H Lindén, P Saurola, M Wikman
Journal of Animal Ecology, 994-1001, 2002
Ecology of the northern goshawk in Fennoscandia
R Tornberg, E Korpimaki, P Byholm
Studies in Avian Biology 31, 141, 2006
Competitive exclusion within the predator community influences the distribution of a threatened prey species
P Byholm, D Burgas, T Virtanen, J Valkama
Ecology 93 (8), 1802-1808, 2012
First evidence of neonicotinoid residues in a long-distance migratory raptor, the European honey buzzard (Pernis apivorus)
P Byholm, S Mäkeläinen, A Santangeli, D Goulson
Science of the Total Environment 639, 929-933, 2018
Food regulates reproduction differently in different habitats: experimental evidence in the goshawk
P Byholm, M Kekkonen
Ecology 89 (6), 1696-1702, 2008
Interactions between habitat heterogeneity and food affect reproductive output in a top predator
P Byholm, A Nikula, J Kentta, JP Taivalmäki
Journal of Animal Ecology 76 (2), 392-401, 2007
Life history events of the Eurasian sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus in a changing climate
A Lehikoinen, P Saurola, P Byholm, A Lindén, J Valkama
Journal of Avian Biology 41 (6), 627-636, 2010
Causes of Dispersal in Northern Goshawks (Accipiter Gentilis) in Finland
P Byholm, P Saurola, H Linden, M Wikman
The Auk 120 (3), 706-716, 2003
Parental care in nesting hawks: breeding experience and food availability influence the outcome
P Byholm, H Rousi, I Sole
Behavioral Ecology 22 (3), 609-615, 2011
Impact of climate change and prey abundance on nesting success of a top predator, the goshawk
A Lehikoinen, A Lindén, P Byholm, E Ranta, P Saurola, J Valkama, ...
Oecologia 171, 283-293, 2013
Paternal transmission of migration knowledge in a long-distance bird migrant
P Byholm, M Beal, N Isaksson, U Lötberg, S Åkesson
Nature communications 13 (1), 1566, 2022
Scale and seasonal sex‐ratio trends in northern goshawk Accipiter gentilis broods
P Byholm, JE Brommer, P Saurola
Journal of Avian Biology 33 (4), 399-406, 2002
Nesting failure in Finnish Northern Goshawks Accipiter gentilis: incidence and cause
P Byholm, A Nikula
Ibis 149 (3), 597-604, 2007
Site-specific variation in partial brood loss in northern goshawks
P Byholm
Annales Zoologici Fennici, 81-90, 2005
Dynamics of the energy seascape can explain intra-specific variations in sea-crossing behaviour of soaring birds
E Nourani, WMG Vansteelant, P Byholm, K Safi
Biology letters 16 (1), 20190797, 2020
Spatial consistency in susceptibility of prey species to predation by two Accipiter hawks
AP Møller, T Solonen, P Byholm, E Huhta, JT Nielsen, R Tornberg
Journal of Avian Biology 43 (5), 390-396, 2012
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