Rafael Keller Tesser
Rafael Keller Tesser
Unicamp - Universidade Estadual de Campinas
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Improving the performance of seismic wave simulations with dynamic load balancing
RK Tesser, LL Pilla, F Dupros, POA Navaux, JF Méhaut, C Mendes
2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and …, 2014
Containers in HPC: a survey
R Keller Tesser, E Borin
The Journal of Supercomputing 79 (5), 5759-5827, 2023
Using simulation to evaluate and tune the performance of dynamic load balancing of an over-decomposed geophysics application
R Keller Tesser, L Mello Schnorr, A Legrand, F Dupros, ...
Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing: 23rd International Conference on …, 2017
Selecting efficient VM types to train deep learning models on Amazon SageMaker
RK Tesser, A Marques, E Borin
2021 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance …, 2021
Performance modeling of a geophysics application to accelerate over‐decomposition parameter tuning through simulation
R Keller Tesser, L Mello Schnorr, A Legrand, FC Heinrich, F Dupros, ...
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, e5012, 2018
Dimvhcm: An on-line distributed monitoring data collection model
RK Tesser, POA Navaux
2012 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and …, 2012
On-line collection of monitoring data in distributed systems using a hierarchical structure
RK Tesser, LM Schnorr, POA Navaux
3rd Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing, 133-140, 2010
A simulation workflow to evaluate the performance of dynamic load balancing with over decomposition for iterative parallel applications
RK Tesser
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2018
Using SimGrid to Evaluate the Impact of AMPI Load Balancing In a Geophysics HPC Application
RK Tesser, POA Navaux, LM Schnorr, A Legrand
14th Charm++ Workshop, 2016
Monitoramento on-line em sistemas distribuídos: Mecanismo hierárquico para coleta de dados
RK Tesser
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011
Enabling online visualization through distributed trace collection
RK Tesser, LM Schnorr, POA Navaux
WSPPD, 2009
A hierarchical model for distributed monitoring data collection
RK Tesser, POA Navaux
WSPPD, 2008
A lightweight performance proxy for deep‐learning model training on Amazon SageMaker
R Keller Tesser, A Marques, E Borin
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 36 (14), e8104, 2024
Cost Effective Deep Learning on the Cloud
OO Napoli, RK Tesser, DL Fonseca, E Borin
High Performance Computing in Clouds: Moving HPC Applications to a Scalable …, 2023
Challenges of Load Balancing for Hybrid Architectures
VEM Abaunza, RK Tesser, F Dupros, POA Navaux
CLCAR 2013: Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing, 2013
An overview of techniques for predicting the performance of GPU accelerated applications
RK Tesser, POA Navaux
Workshop de Processamento Paralelo e Distribuído (WSPPD), 2012
Providing On-line Visualization of Monitoring Data Through The Integration of DIMVHCM, DIMVisual and TRIVA
RK Tesser, POA Navaux
Workshop de Processamento Paralelo e Distribuído (WSPPD), 2011
Projeto e Implementação de um Mural Digital com Reaproveitamento de Computadores Obsoletos
VV Cogo, MA Viera, RK Tesser, F Bevilacqua, AS Charao
Workshop de Software Livre (WSL) - Forum Internacional de Software Livre (FISL), 2008
Geração de Rastros de Execução Utilizando Mecanismos de Baixo Nível
RK Tesser, B de Oliveira Stein
Workshop de Computação de Alto Desempenho - Concurso de Iniciação Científica …, 2007
Trabalho Final de Programaçao com Objetos Distribuıdos
RK Tesser
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