Yusuf Enes Pural
Effective circulating load ratio in mill circuit for milling capacity and further flotation process - lab scale study
FB Yusuf Enes Pural, Muhammed Çelik, Mustafa Özer
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 58 (5), 2022
Correlation of Flotation Recoveries and Bubble–Particle Attachment Time for Dodecyl Ammonium Hydrochloride/Frother/Quartz Flotation System
K Batjargal, O Güven, O Ozdemir, F Boylu, YE Pural, MS Çelik
Minerals 13 (10), 1305, 2023
Simulation and Performance Evaluation of Three Product Dense Medium Cyclone
YE Pural, AA Sirkeci, F Boylu
International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization 43 (8), 1299-1312, 2023
Developing a data-driven soft sensor to predict silicate impurity in iron ore flotation concentrate
YE Pural
Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing 59 (5), 2023
Investigating the benefits of using HPGR prior to cyanidation of low grade gold ore
YE Pural, Z Kahya, N Tarhan, N Şirvancı, F Arslan, F Boylu
The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2024
Application of Machine Learning for Generic Mill Liner Wear Prediction in Semi-Autogenous Grinding (SAG) Mills
YE Pural, T Ledezma, M Hilden, G Forbes, F Boylu, M Yahyaei
Minerals 14 (12), 1200, 2024
Gine Cumhuriyeti Siguiri bölgesi altın cevherinin fiziksel ve kimyasal yöntemlerle zenginleştirilmesi
YE Pural, C Tekin, M Özer
Scientific Mining Journal 62 (1), 37-45, 2023
Developing a Machine Learning Model to Predict Silicate Impurity in Iron Ore Flotation Concentrate
YE Pural
IMPS 2022 - 17th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 991-1000, 2022
Determination of Ball Trajectory in Tumbling Mill Considering Mill Liner Dimensions
YE Pural, F Boylu
Separation Performance Of Three Product Dense Medium Cyclone On Bituminous Coal From Zonguldak
Y Pural, F Boylu
Proposal Of Washing Plant Flowsheet For Bursa-Keles Lignite
M Özer, F Boylu, Y Pural, F Arslan, G Önal
Üç ürünlü ağır ortam siklonunun ayırma performansı ve simülasyonu
YE Pural
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 0
Otojen/Yarı Otojen Değirmen Dizaynında Uygulanan SAG Öğünebilirlik İndeksi Testi
İ Aksu, Y Pural, F Boylu
Düşük Tenörlü Altın Cevherlerinin Liç İşleminde HPGR ve Konvensiyonel Kırıcıların Liç Kinetiğine Etkisinin İncelenmesi
Z Kahya, Y Pural, F Boylu
Otojen/Yarıotojen Değirmen Dizaynında Uygulanan Laboratuvar Testleri (Ağırlık Düşürme Testi)
A Cemcem, M Eraslan, Y Pural, F Boylu
Kütahya Antimonit Cevherinin Yüzey Özelliklerine Bağlı Zenginleştirilmesi
C Kaya, Y Pural, M Kangal
文章 1–16