Ion Bogdan Vasi
Ion Bogdan Vasi
在 uiowa.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Social movements, risk perceptions, and economic outcomes: The effect of primary and secondary stakeholder activism on firms’ perceived environmental risk and financial performance
IB Vasi, BG King
American sociological review 77 (4), 573-596, 2012
“No fracking way!” Documentary film, discursive opportunity, and local opposition against hydraulic fracturing in the United States, 2010 to 2013
IB Vasi, ET Walker, JS Johnson, HF Tan
American Sociological Review 80 (5), 934-959, 2015
The new immigration contestation: Social movements and local immigration policy making in the United States, 2000–2011
JP Steil, IB Vasi
American Journal of Sociology 119 (4), 1104-1155, 2014
Winds of change: The environmental movement and the global development of the wind energy industry
IB Vasi
Oxford University Press, 2011
Online activities, spatial proximity, and the diffusion of the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States
IB Vasi, CS Suh
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 21 (2), 139-154, 2016
Civil liberty in America: The diffusion of municipal bill of rights resolutions after the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act
IB Vasi, D Strang
American Journal of Sociology 114 (6), 1716-1764, 2009
Thinking globally, planning nationally and acting locally: Nested organizational fields and the adoption of environmental practices
IB Vasi
Social Forces 86 (1), 113-136, 2007
New heroes, old theories? Toward a sociological perspective on social entrepreneurship
IB Vasi
An introduction to social entrepreneurship, 155-173, 2009
The new anti-war protests and miscible mobilizations
IB Vasi
Social Movement Studies 5 (2), 137-153, 2006
Social movements and industry development: The environmental movement's impact on the wind energy industry
I Vasi
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 14 (3), 315-336, 2009
The mobilizer's dilemma: Crisis, empowerment, and collective action
IB Vasi, M Macy
Social Forces 81 (3), 979-998, 2003
Organizational environments, framing processes, and the diffusion of the program to address global climate change among local governments in the United States
IB Vasi
Sociological Forum 21, 439-466, 2006
How social media matter: Repression and the diffusion of the Occupy Wall Street movement
CS Suh, IB Vasi, PY Chang
Social science research 65, 282-293, 2017
Which US cities adopt living wage ordinances? Predictors of adoption of a new labor tactic, 1994-2006
H Swarts, IB Vasi
Urban Affairs Review 47 (6), 743-774, 2011
Fractured communities: Risk, impacts, and protest against hydraulic fracking in US shale regions
SA Malin, H Boudet, S Cable, B Gaustad, P Hall, J Maples, T Mix, C Price, ...
Rutgers University Press, 2018
The fist of the working class: The social movements of Jiu Valley miners in post-socialist Romania
IB Vasi
East European politics and societies 18 (01), 132-157, 2004
Brokerage, miscibility, and the spread of contention
I Vasi
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 16 (1), 11-24, 2011
Civil society in an age of environmental accountability: How local environmental nongovernmental organizations reduce US power plants’ carbon dioxide emissions
D Grant, IB Vasi
Sociological Forum 32 (1), 94-115, 2017
Protest in the internet age: Public attention, social media, and the spread of ‘Occupy’protests in the United States
IB Vasi, CS Suh
Politics and Protest workshop 13, 2013
Tea and sympathy: The Tea Party movement and Republican precommitment to radical conservatism in the 2011 debt-limit crisis
I Vasi, D Strang, A Van De Rijt
Mobilization: An International Quarterly 19 (1), 1-22, 2014
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