Fernando Moya Rueda
Convolutional neural networks for human activity recognition using body-worn sensors
F Moya Rueda, R Grzeszick, GA Fink, S Feldhorst, M Ten Hompel
Informatics 5 (2), 26, 2018
Deep neural network based human activity recognition for the order picking process
R Grzeszick, JM Lenk, FM Rueda, GA Fink, S Feldhorst, M Ten Hompel
Proceedings of the 4th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity …, 2017
Lara: Creating a dataset for human activity recognition in logistics using semantic attributes
F Niemann, C Reining, F Moya Rueda, NR Nair, JA Steffens, GA Fink, ...
Sensors 20 (15), 4083, 2020
Human Activity Recognition for Production and Logistics—A Systematic Literature Review
GAFMH Christopher Reining, Friedrich Niemann, Fernando Moya Rueda
Information 10 (8), 245, 2019
Learning Attribute Representation for Human Activity Recognition
FM Rueda, GA Fink
2018 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 523-528, 2018
Neuron pruning for compressing deep networks using maxout architectures
F Moya Rueda, R Grzeszick, GA Fink
German Conference on Pattern Recognition, 177-188, 2017
Attribute representation for human activity recognition of manual order picking activities
C Reining, M Schlangen, L Hissmann, M ten Hompel, F Moya, GA Fink
Proceedings of the 5th international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity …, 2018
Combining symbolic reasoning and deep learning for human activity recognition
FM Rueda, S Lüdtke, M Schröder, K Yordanova, T Kirste, GA Fink
2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2019
Annotation Performance for multi-channel time series HAR Dataset in Logistics
C Reining, FM Rueda, F Niemann, GA Fink, M ten Hompel
2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2020
Benchmarking annotation procedures for multi-channel time series HAR dataset
H Avsar, E Altermann, C Reining, FM Rueda, GA Fink, M ten Hompel
2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2021
Towards a framework for semi-automated annotation of human order picking activities using motion capturing
C Reining, FM Rueda, M Ten Hampel, GA Fink
2018 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2018
From human pose to on-body devices for human-activity recognition
FM Rueda, GA Fink
2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 10066-10073, 2021
Human Activity Recognition using Attribute-Based Neural Networks and Context Information
S Lüdtke, FM Rueda, W Ahmed, GA Fink, T Kirste
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04564, 2021
Dataset bias in human activity recognition
NR Nair, L Schmid, FM Rueda, M Pauly, GA Fink, C Reining
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.10161, 2023
Multi-channel time-series person and soft-biometric identification
NR Nair, F Moya Rueda, C Reining, GA Fink
International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 256-272, 2022
Learning attribute representation for human activity recognition
F Moya Rueda, GA Fink
arXiv e-prints, arXiv: 1802.00761, 2018
Miss-placement Prediction of Multiple On-body Devices for Human Activity Recognition
R Dönnebrink, F Moya Rueda, R Grzeszick, M Stach
Proceedings of the 8th international Workshop on Sensor-Based Activity …, 2023
A Tutorial on Dataset Creation for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition
C Reining, NR Nair, F Niemann, FM Rueda, GA Fink
2023 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2023
Video-based Pose-Estimation Data as Source for Transfer Learning in Human Activity Recognition
S Awasthi, FM Rueda, GA Fink
2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 4514-4521, 2022
Retrieval-based Annotation of Multi-channel Time-Series Data for HAR
E Altermann, FM Rueda, E Rusakov, GA Fink
2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2022
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