Archaeological evidence for two separate dispersals of Neanderthals into southern Siberia KA Kolobova, RG Roberts, VP Chabai, Z Jacobs, MT Krajcarz, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (6), 2879-2885, 2020 | 121 | 2020 |
The earliest Aurignacian in Romania: New investigations at the open air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I (Banat): Das früheste Aurignacien in Rumänien–Neue Untersuchungen an der … V Sitlivy, V Chabai, M Anghelinu, T Uthmeier, H Kels, A Hilgers, ... Quartär–Internationales Jahrbuch zur Erforschung des Eiszeitalters und der …, 2012 | 57 | 2012 |
Micoquien, Aurignacien und Gravettien in Bayern: Eine regionale Studie zum Übergang vom Mittel-zum Jungpaläolithikum T Uthmeier Selbstverlag der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ur-und Frühgeschichte eV in …, 2004 | 49 | 2004 |
Preliminary reassessment of the Aurignacian in Banat (South-western Romania) V Sitlivy, V Chabai, M Anghelinu, T Uthmeier, H Kels, L Niţă, I Băltean, ... Quaternary International 351, 193-212, 2014 | 47 | 2014 |
First chronometric dates (TL and OSL) for the Aurignacian open-air site of Româneşti-Dumbrăviţa I, Romania C Schmidt, V Sitlivy, M Anghelinu, V Chabai, H Kels, T Uthmeier, T Hauck, ... Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (10), 3740-3753, 2013 | 43 | 2013 |
Settlement Systems in the Crimean Middle Palaeolithic V Chabai, T Uthmeier Palaeolithic Sites of Crimea 2: KABAZI II: The 70.000 Years Since The Last …, 2006 | 42 | 2006 |
Placing the aurignacian from Banat (southwestern Romania) into the European early upper paleolithic context V Sitlivy, M Anghelinu, VP Chabai, L Niţă, T Uthmeier, T Hauck, I Băltean, ... ERAUL 140, 243-277, 2014 | 36 | 2014 |
Looking around Peştera Cu Oase: The beginnings of Upper Paleolithic in Romania M Anghelinu, L Niţă, V Sitlivy, T Uthmeier, I Băltean Quaternary International 274, 136-157, 2012 | 36 | 2012 |
Ein bemerkenswert frühes Inventar des Aurignacien von der Freilandfundstelle Keilberg-Kirche bei Regensburg T Uthmeier Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 26 (3), 233-248, 1996 | 36 | 1996 |
Upper Paleolithic of Middle Dniester: Doroshivtsi III site L Kulakovska, V Usik, P Haesaerts, B Ridush, T Uthmeier, TC Hauck Quaternary International 359, 347-361, 2015 | 33 | 2015 |
Techno-functional and 3D shape analysis applied for investigating the variability of backed tools in the Late Middle Paleolithic of Central Europe D Delpiano, T Uthmeier PloS one 15 (8), e0236548, 2020 | 30 | 2020 |
Site catchment analysis in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of Crimea: A GIS based approach T Uthmeier, S Ickler, M Kurbjuhn Kabazi V: Interstratification of Micoquian & Levallois—Mousterien Camp …, 2008 | 26 | 2008 |
Palaeolithic Sites of Crimea 1: KABAZI II: Last Interglacial Occupation, Environment & Subsistence V Chabai, J Richter, T Uthmeier University of Cologne 1 (1), 2005 | 22 | 2005 |
Neanderthals in the cold: Middle paleolithic sites from the open-cast mine of Garzweiler, Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) T Uthmeier, H Kels, W Schirmer, U Böhner Neanderthal Lifeways, Subsistence and Technology: One Hundred Fifty Years of …, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Stone Tools, Time of Activity and the Transition from the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic in Bavaria (Germany) T Uthmeier Neanderthals and Modern Humans-Discussing the Transition. Central and …, 2000 | 18 | 2000 |
Neanderthal utilitarian equipment and group identity: The social context of bifacial tool manufacture and use T Uthmeier The nature of culture: based on an interdisciplinary symposium ‘the nature …, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
The Transition from Middle-to Upper Palaeolithic at Buran Kaya III, Crimea (Ukraine): a case of conceptual continuity of lithic artefact manufacture TH Uthmeier Flakes not Blades: The Role of Flake Production at the Onset of the Upper …, 2012 | 14 | 2012 |
Palaeolithic Sites of Crimea 2: KABAZI II: The 70.000 Years Since The Last Interglacial VP Chabai, J Richter, T Uthmeier University of Cologne 2 (2), 2006 | 14 | 2006 |
Dating the last Middle Palaeolithic of the Crimean Peninsula: New hydroxyproline AMS dates from the site of Kabazi II L Spindler, D Comeskey, V Chabai, T Uthmeier, M Buckley, T Devièse, ... Journal of Human Evolution 156, 102996, 2021 | 13 | 2021 |
Neue Forschungen zum Mittelpaläolithikum auf der Krim: Vorbericht. VP Chabai, J Richter, T Uthmeier, AI Yevtuchenko Germania: Anzeiger der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission des Deutschen …, 2002 | 13 | 2002 |