Chaofeng Sang
Chaofeng Sang
在 dlut.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证 - 首页
Small angle slot divertor concept for long pulse advanced tokamaks
HY Guo, CF Sang, PC Stangeby, LL Lao, TS Taylor, DM Thomas
Nuclear Fusion 57 (4), 044001, 2017
First experimental tests of a new small angle slot divertor on DIII-D
HY Guo, HQ Wang, JG Watkins, L Casali, B Covele, AL Moser, T Osborne, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (8), 086054, 2019
Scaling of divertor power footprint width in RF-heated type-III ELMy H-mode on the EAST superconducting tokamak
L Wang, HY Guo, GS Xu, SC Liu, KF Gan, HQ Wang, XZ Gong, Y Liang, ...
Nuclear Fusion 54 (11), 114002, 2014
Advances in plasma–wall interaction control for H-mode operation over 100 s with ITER-like tungsten divertor on EAST
L Wang, HY Guo, F Ding, YW Yu, QP Yuan, GS Xu, HQ Wang, L Zhang, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (8), 086036, 2019
SOLPS analysis of neutral baffling for the design of a new diverter in DIII-D
C Sang, HY Guo, PC Stangeby, LL Lao, TS Taylor
Nuclear Fusion 57 (5), 056043, 2017
Strong correlation between D 2 density and electron temperature at the target of divertors found in SOLPS analysis
PC Stangeby, C Sang
Nuclear Fusion 57 (5), 056007, 2017
Physics design of new lower tungsten divertor for long-pulse high-power operations in EAST
GS Xu, L Wang, DM Yao, GZ Jia, CF Sang, XJ Liu, YP Chen, H Si, ...
Nuclear Fusion 61 (12), 126070, 2021
Plasma density enhancement in atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharges by high-voltage nanosecond pulse in the pulse-on period: a PIC simulation
C Sang, J Sun, D Wang
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (4), 045202, 2010
Two-dimensional modeling of the cathode sheath formation during the streamer-cathode interaction
W Yan, F Liu, C Sang, D Wang
Physics of Plasmas 21 (1), 2014
SOLPS modeling of the effect on plasma detachment of closing the lower divertor in DIII-D
CF Sang, PC Stangeby, HY Guo, AW Leonard, B Covele, LL Lao, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 59 (2), 025009, 2016
Modelling of hydrogen isotope inventory in mixed materials including porous deposited layers in fusion devices
C Sang, X Bonnin, M Warrier, A Rai, R Schneider, J Sun, D Wang
Nuclear Fusion 52 (4), 043003, 2012
SOLPS modeling of lithium transport in the scrape-off layer during real-time lithium injection on EAST
C Sang, H Du, G Zuo, X Bonnin, J Sun, L Wang, D Wang
Nuclear Fusion 56 (10), 106018, 2016
Needle-array to plate DBD plasma using sine AC and nanosecond pulse excitations for purpose of improving indoor air quality
L Zhang, D Yang, W Wang, S Wang, H Yuan, Z Zhao, C Sang, L Jia
Scientific reports 6 (1), 25242, 2016
Effects of carbon impurities on the power radiation and tungsten target erosion in EAST
C Sang, R Ding, X Bonnin, L Wang, D Wang, EAST Team
Physics of Plasmas 25 (7), 2018
Developing and validating advanced divertor solutions on DIII-D for next-step fusion devices
HY Guo, DN Hill, AW Leonard, SL Allen, PC Stangeby, D Thomas, ...
Nuclear Fusion 56 (12), 126010, 2016
Characteristics of nanosecond pulse needle-to-plane discharges at high pressure: A particle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation
C Sang, J Sun, C Ren, D Wang
Journal of Applied Physics 105 (4), 2009
Divertor detachment and asymmetry in H-mode operation with an ITER-like tungsten divertor in EAST
JB Liu, L Wang, HY Guo, HQ Wang, GS Xu, F Ding, JC Xu, XJ Liu, ...
Nuclear Fusion 59 (12), 126046, 2019
Numerical simulation of the bubble growth due to hydrogen isotopes inventory processes in plasma-irradiated tungsten
C Sang, J Sun, X Bonnin, S Liu, D Wang
Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (1-3), 403-408, 2013
Modelling the effect of divertor closure on detachment onset in DIII‐D with the SOLPS code
L Casali, C Sang, AL Moser, BM Covele, HY Guo, C Samuell
Contributions to Plasma Physics 58 (6-8), 725-731, 2018
Two-dimensional numerical study of two counter-propagating helium plasma jets in air at atmospheric pressure
W Yan, F Liu, C Sang, D Wang
Physics of Plasmas 21 (6), 2014
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