AnneMarie Conley
AnneMarie Conley
Associate Professor of Education, University of California, Irvine
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Changes in epistemological beliefs in elementary science students
AMM Conley, PR Pintrich, I Vekiri, D Harrison
Contemporary educational psychology 29 (2), 186-204, 2004
Measuring situational interest in academic domains
L Linnenbrink-Garcia, AM Durik, AMM Conley, KE Barron, JM Tauer, ...
Educational and psychological measurement 70 (4), 647-671, 2010
Current issues in achievement goal theory and research
PR Pintrich, AMM Conley, TM Kempler
International Journal of Educational Research 39 (4-5), 319-337, 2003
Patterns of motivation beliefs: combining achievement goal and expectancy-value perspectives.
AMM Conley
Journal of educational psychology 104 (1), 32, 2012
The link between educational expectations and effort in the college-for-all era
T Domina, AM Conley, G Farkas
Sociology of Education 84 (2), 93-112, 2011
Adolescents' help seeking in mathematics classrooms: Relations between achievement and perceived classroom environmental influences over one school year
K Schenke, AC Lam, AMM Conley, SA Karabenick
Contemporary Educational Psychology 41, 133-146, 2015
The role of goal orientations for adolescent mathematics achievement
TD Keys, AMM Conley, GJ Duncan, T Domina
Contemporary educational psychology 37 (1), 47-54, 2012
Using value-added models to measure teacher effects on students’ motivation and achievement
EA Ruzek, T Domina, AMM Conley, GJ Duncan, SA Karabenick
The Journal of Early Adolescence 35 (5-6), 852-882, 2015
Student perceptions of classroom achievement goal structure: Is it appropriate to aggregate?
AC Lam, EA Ruzek, K Schenke, AMM Conley, SA Karabenick
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (4), 1102, 2015
Raising the stakes: How students' motivation for mathematics associates with high-and low-stakes test achievement
RM Simzar, M Martinez, T Rutherford, T Domina, AMM Conley
Learning and individual differences 39, 49-63, 2015
Teacher motivation for professional development
SA Karabenick, A Conley
National science foundation, Michigan, 2011
Harmful and enduring effects of high-stakes testing
SG Paris, AMP Conley (McEvoy)
Issues in Education 6 (1/2), 145-160, 2000
Expectancy-value beliefs of early-adolescent Hispanic and non-Hispanic youth: Predictors of mathematics achievement and enrollment
N Safavian, AM Conley
AERA Open 2 (4), 2332858416673357, 2016
Algebra for all: California's eighth-grade algebra initiative as constrained curricula
T Domina, AM Penner, EK Penner, AM Conley
Teachers College Record 116 (8), 1-32, 2014
The effects of mathematics instruction using spatial temporal cognition on teacher efficacy and instructional practices
NA Tran, S Schneider, L Duran, AM Conley, L Richland, M Burchinal, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (2), 340-349, 2012
Spatial Temporal Mathematics at Scale: An Innovative and Fully Developed Paradigm to Boost Math Achievement among All Learners.
T Rutherford, M Kibrick, M Burchinal, L Richland, AM Conley, K Osborne, ...
Online Submission, 2010
Construct validity issues in the measurement of motivation to learn
AM Conley, SA Karabenick
biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Adolescence, San Francisco, 2006
Curricular policy as a collective effects problem: A distributional approach
AM Penner, T Domina, EK Penner, AM Conley
Social Science Research 52, 627-641, 2015
The case for dreaming big
T Domina, AM Conley, G Farkas
Sociology of Education 84 (2), 118-121, 2011
Tapping the motivational potential of mobile handhelds: Defining the research agenda
C Tran, M Warschauer, AMM Conley
Using network and mobile technology to bridge formal and informal learning, 1-30, 2013
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