Alex HS Harris
Alex HS Harris
VA Palo Alto -Stanford Department of Surgery
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Physical activity, exercise coping, and depression in a 10-year cohort study of depressed patients
AHS Harris, R Cronkite, R Moos
Journal of affective disorders 93 (1-3), 79-85, 2006
Spirituality and health: what's the evidence and what's needed?
CE Thoresen, AHS Harris
Annals of behavioral medicine 24 (1), 3-13, 2002
Volunteering is associated with delayed mortality in older people: analysis of the longitudinal study of aging
AHS Harris, CE Thoresen
Journal of Health Psychology 10 (6), 739-752, 2005
Forgiveness and health: An unanswered question.
CE Thoresen, AHS Harris, F Luskin
The Guilford Press, 2000
Effects of a group forgiveness intervention on forgiveness, perceived stress, and trait‐anger
AHS Harris, F Luskin, SB Norman, S Standard, J Bruning, S Evans, ...
Journal of clinical psychology 62 (6), 715-733, 2006
Forgiveness, unforgiveness, health, and disease
AHS Harris, CE Thoresen
Handbook of forgiveness, 345-358, 2007
The systemic effects of platelet-rich plasma injection
AS Wasterlain, HJ Braun, AHS Harris, HJ Kim, JL Dragoo
The American journal of sports medicine 41 (1), 186-193, 2013
Integrating positive psychology into counseling: Why and (when appropriate) how
AHS Harris, CE Thoresen, SJ Lopez
Journal of Counseling & Development 85 (1), 3-13, 2007
Does expressive writing reduce health care utilization? A meta-analysis of randomized trials.
AHS Harris
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 74 (2), 243, 2006
Incidence and risk factors for injuries to the anterior cruciate ligament in National Collegiate Athletic Association football: data from the 2004-2005 through 2008-2009 …
JL Dragoo, HJ Braun, JL Durham, MR Chen, AHS Harris
The American journal of sports medicine 40 (5), 990-995, 2012
Spiritually and religiously oriented health interventions
AHS Harris, CE Thoresen, ME McCullough, DB Larson
Journal of health Psychology 4 (3), 413-433, 1999
Pretreatment and during treatment risk factors for dropout among patients with substance use disorders
J McKellar, J Kelly, A Harris, R Moos
Addictive behaviors 31 (3), 450-460, 2006
Prevalence of cannabis use disorder diagnoses among veterans in 2002, 2008, and 2009.
MO Bonn-Miller, AHS Harris, JA Trafton
Psychological services 9 (4), 404, 2012
Alcohol screening and risk of postoperative complications in male VA patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery
KA Bradley, AD Rubinsky, H Sun, CL Bryson, MJ Bishop, DK Blough, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 26, 162-169, 2011
The comparative effectiveness of cognitive processing therapy for male veterans treated in a VHA posttraumatic stress disorder residential rehabilitation program.
J Alvarez, C McLean, AHS Harris, CS Rosen, JI Ruzek, R Kimerling
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 79 (5), 590, 2011
Barriers to use of pharmacotherapy for addiction disorders and how to overcome them
EM Oliva, NC Maisel, AJ Gordon, AHS Harris
Current psychiatry reports 13, 374-381, 2011
Which fixation device is preferred for surgical treatment of intertrochanteric hip fractures in the United States? A survey of orthopaedic surgeons
E Niu, A Yang, AHS Harris, J Bishop
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 473 (11), 3647-3655, 2015
Predictors of a suicide attempt one year after entry into substance use disorder treatment
MA Ilgen, AHS Harris, RH Moos, QQ Tiet
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 31 (4), 635-642, 2007
Spirituality, religion, and health
CE Thoresen, AHS Harris, D Oman
Faith and health: Psychological perspectives, 15-52, 2001
Patterns of hopelessness among American Indian adolescents: relationships by levels of acculturation and residence.
TD LaFromboise, K Albright, A Harris
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 16 (1), 68, 2010
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