Simona Mannucci
Flood resilience and adaptation in the built environment: how far along are we?
S Mannucci, F Rosso, A D’Amico, G Bernardini, M Morganti
Sustainability 14 (7), 4096, 2022
Exploring potential futures: Evaluating the influence of deep uncertainties in urban planning through scenario planning: A case study in Rome, Italy
S Mannucci, JH Kwakkel, M Morganti, M Ferrero
Futures 154, 103265, 2023
The effect of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems on outdoor comfort and runoff
F Rosso, S Mannucci, M Morganti, S Mariani, C Cecere, M Ferrero
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343 (1), 012023, 2019
Adapting towards resilience. Analysis of the construction features and dynamic energy performance of amphibious and floating houses
F Rosso, S Mannucci, M Ferrero, C Cecere
TEMA 6 (1), 31-40, 2020
Building archetype characterization for mass-housing energy efficiency through a UBEM approach
A Vallati, M Morganti, F Causone, S Mannucci, CV Fiorini, M di Matteo, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600 (8), 082030, 2023
Renewable energy system applied to social housing building in Mediterranean climate
A Vallati, S Grignaffini, CV Fiorini, S Mannucci, M Di Matteo
International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, 407-417, 2022
How to tackle climate fragilities by DMDU. Making possible with regenerative design
S Mannucci, M Morganti
TECHNE-Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, 45-53, 2022
Il DMDU per contrastare le fragilità climatiche. Un’integrazione con il progetto rigenerativo/How to tackle climate fragilities by DMDU. Making possible with regenerative design
S Mannucci, M Morganti
Techne 23, 45-53, 2022
Landscape as a Palimpsest for Energy Transition: Correlations between the Spatial Development of Energy-Production Infrastructure and Climate-Mitigation Goals
G Lobosco, L Tinti, B Magagnoli, V Mencarini, S Mannucci, M Ferrero
Atmosphere 14 (6), 921, 2023
From past to future: understanding urban development in flood-prone coastal Rome
S Mannucci, JH Kwakkel, M Morganti, F Ferrero
Journal of Urban Design, 1-32, 2024
Climate Change Adaptation for the Built Environment: Addressing Urban Flood
S Mannucci
Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban …, 2024
Planning Paradigms to Navigate Complexity and Climate Change
S Mannucci
Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban …, 2024
Navigating Futures: Scenario Planning in Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation
S Mannucci
Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban …, 2024
Pluvial Flooding in Compact Neighbourhoods: digital analysis for climate-adaptive buildings and urban spaces
M Morganti, S Mannucci, I Fiocchi
New Energies for the Cities, 31-52, 2024
Climate Adaptation in Urban Planning: Toward Sustainable and Resilient Urban Environments
S Mannucci
Springer Nature, 2024
Complessità e cambiamento climatico: il ruolo dell’ambiente costruito ed i metodi per considerare le incertezze e molteplici obiettivi//Complexity and climate change: The role …
S Mannucci, A Ciardiello, F Rosso, M Morganti, M Ferrero
COLLOQUI. AT. E, 993-1009, 2023
Water-and Heat-resilient Built environment
S Mannucci, F Rosso
Waterfront dialectics. Rome and its region facing climate impacts, 246-250, 2023
Verso la resilienza e l’adattamento al cambiamento climatico: metodi e strumenti nelle diverse fasi e scale dell’architettura Towards Resilience and Climate Adaptation: Methods …
S Mannucci, A Peduzzi, A Ciardiello, O Palusci, F Rosso, M Ferrero, ...
COLLOQUI. AT. E, 883-899, 2022
Flood Risk of Open Spaces: From Microscale Factors of Built Environment to Risk Reduction Strategies
S Mannucci, F Rosso, A D’Amico, G Bernardini, M Morganti
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021, 159-169, 2021
Strategie adattive per l’ambiente costruito. Possibilità di applicazione di approcci e metodi del Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty
S Mannucci, A Peduzzi, O Palusci, F Rosso, C Cecere, M Ferrero
COLLOQUI. AT. E, 1463-1477, 2021
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