Tricia van Rhijn
Tricia van Rhijn
Professor of Family Relations and Human Development, University of Guelph
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The development of sexuality in childhood in early learning settings: An exploration of early childhood educators' perceptions
AS Balter, TM van Rhijn, AWJ Davies
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 25 (1), 30-40, 2016
Unmet Needs: Challenges to Success from the Perspectives of Mature University Students
TM van Rhijn, DS Lero, K Bridge, VA Fritz
Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education 28 (1), 29-47, 2015
Why Go Back to School? Investigating the Motivations of Student Parents to Pursue Post–Secondary Education
T Van Rhijn, DS Lero, T Burke
New Horizons in Adult Education and Human Resource Development 28 (2), 14-26, 2016
A profile of undergraduate student parents in Canada
T van Rhijn, TS Quosai, DS Lero
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 41 (3), 80, 2011
The influence of self-efficacy beliefs for student parents attending university
TM van Rhijn, DS Lero
International Journal of Lifelong Education 33 (4), 541-555, 2014
Gender, polychronicity, and the work–family interface: is a preference for multitasking beneficial?
K Korabik, T Rhijn, R Ayman, DS Lero, LB Hammer
Community, Work & Family 20 (3), 307-326, 2017
Equipping early childhood educators to support the development of sexuality in childhood: Identification of pre-and post-service training needs
AS Balter, T van Rhijn, AWJ Davies
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 27 (1), 33-42, 2018
Sexuality education and early childhood educators in Ontario, Canada: A Foucauldian exploration of constraints and possibilities
AWJ Davies, A Simone-Balter, T van Rhijn
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 24 (4), 394-410, 2023
Sexuality education for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder in Canada
AWJ Davies, AS Balter, T van Rhijn, J Spracklin, K Maich, R Soud
Intervention in School and Clinic 58 (2), 129-134, 2022
Teaching and learning in two iPad-infused classrooms: A descriptive case study of a dual classroom, school-based pilot project
K Maich, CL Hall, T van Rhijn, M Henning
Exceptionality Education International, 2017
Supporting the development of sexuality in early childhood: The rationales and barriers to sexuality education in early learning settings
AS Balter, T van Rhijn, D Gores, AWJ Davies, T Akers
The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 30 (3), 287-295, 2021
Barriers, enablers, and strategies for success identified by undergraduate student parents
TM van Rhijn
Canadian Journal for New Scholars in Education/Revue canadienne des jeunes …, 2014
Peer play in inclusive child care settings: Assessing the impact of Stay, Play, & Talk, a peer-mediated social skills program
T van Rhijn, C Osborne, S Ranby, K Maich, C Hall, L Rzepecki, ...
Child care in Practice 27 (3), 224-238, 2021
Investigating stay, play, & talk: A peer-mediated social skills intervention for young children with autism spectrum disorder and other social challenges
K Maich, CL Hall, T van Rhijn, K Squires
Exceptionality Education International, 2018
Student pathways and supports: Investigating retention and attrition in mature university students
T van Rhijn, D Lero, A Dawczyk, J de Guzman, S Pericak, V Fritz, J Closs, ...
A relaxation station in every location
K Maich, AWJ Davies, T van Rhijn
Intervention in School and Clinic 54 (3), 160-165, 2019
Teachers’ perceptions of the need for assistive technology training in Newfoundland and Labrador’s rural schools
K Maich, T van Rhijn, H Woods, K Brochu
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2017
Developing social skills of summer campers with autism spectrum disorder: A case study of camps on TRACKS implementation in an inclusive day-camp setting
K Maich, C Hall, T van Rhijn, L Quinlan
Exceptionality Education International, 2015
Teaching for well-being? Introducing mindfulness in an undergraduate course
CM Ingram, AV Breen, T van Rhijn
Journal of Further and Higher Education 43 (6), 814-825, 2019
Measuring School–Family Conflict and Enrichment in University Student Parents: A Measurement Validation Study
TM Van Rhijn, A Acai, DS Lero
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48 (3), 98-124, 2018
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