Parameters of Slavic morphosyntax S Franks Oxford University Press, 1995 | 1029 | 1995 |
A handbook of Slavic clitics S Franks, TH King Oxford University Press, USA, 2000 | 597 | 2000 |
Clitics in slavic S Franks na, 1998 | 337 | 1998 |
Parametric properties of numeral phrases in Slavic S Franks Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 12 (4), 597-674, 1994 | 294 | 1994 |
On the placement of Serbo-Croatian clitics S Franks, L Progovac Indiana Linguistic Studies 7, 69-78, 1994 | 167 | 1994 |
Across‐the‐board movement and LF Ž Bošović, S Franks Syntax 3 (2), 107-128, 2000 | 138 | 2000 |
Clitics at the interface S Franks Clitic phenomena in European languages, ed. F. Beukema & M. den Dikken, 1-46, 2000 | 117 | 2000 |
Secondary predication in Russian and proper government of PRO S Franks, N Hornstein Control and grammar, 1-50, 1992 | 110 | 1992 |
Asymmetries in the scope of Russian negation S Brown, S Franks Journal of Slavic linguistics, 239-287, 1995 | 103 | 1995 |
On parallelism in across-the-board dependencies S Franks Linguistic inquiry 24 (3), 509-529, 1993 | 92 | 1993 |
Functional categories in the nominal domain S Franks, A Pereltsvaig Proceedings of FASL 12, 109-128, 2004 | 88 | 2004 |
Bulgarian clitics as K0 heads S Franks, C Rudin Formal approaches to Slavic inguistics: The South Carolina meeting, ed …, 2005 | 85 | 2005 |
A parametric approach to dative subjects and the second dative in Slavic GR Greenberg, S Franks Slavic and East European Journal, 71-97, 1991 | 79 | 1991 |
Case and word order in Lithuanian S Franks, JE Lavine Journal of linguistics 42 (2), 239-288, 2006 | 76 | 2006 |
A Jakobsonian feature based analysis of the Slavic numeric quantifier genitive S Franks Journal of Slavic linguistics, 145-184, 2002 | 71 | 2002 |
The syntax of adverbial participles in Russian revisited L Babby, S Franks The Slavic and East European Journal 42 (3), 483-516, 1998 | 66 | 1998 |
An argument for multiple spell-out S Franks, Ž Bošković Linguistic inquiry 32 (1), 174-183, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
Extrametricality and stress in Polish S Franks Linguistic Inquiry 16 (1), 144-151, 1985 | 59 | 1985 |
The internal structure of Slavic NPs, with special reference to Bulgarian S Franks Generative linguistics in Poland: Syntax and morphosyntax, 53-69, 2001 | 57 | 2001 |
Parameters of Slavic morphosyntax revisited: A minimalist retrospective S Franks Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 8, 134-165, 1998 | 56 | 1998 |