Yuki Ogawa
Yuki Ogawa
Associate Professor of engineering, Tokyo City University
在 tcu.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
What affects the spiral of silence and the hard core on Twitter? An analysis of the nuclear power issue in Japan
K Miyata, H Yamamoto, Y Ogawa
American Behavioral Scientist 59 (9), 1129-1141, 2015
News audience fragmentation in the Japanese Twittersphere
T Kobayashi, Y Ogawa, T Suzuki, H Yamamoto
Asian Journal of Communication 29 (3), 274-290, 2019
Development of recommender systems using user preference tendencies: An algorithm for diversifying recommendation
Y Ogawa, H Suwa, H Yamamoto, I Okada, T Ohta
Towards Sustainable Society on Ubiquitous Networks: The 8 th IFIP Conference …, 2008
Develop method to predict the increase in the Nikkei VI index
H Suwa, Y Ogawa, E Umehara, K Kakigi, K Yasumoto, T Yamashita, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 3133-3138, 2017
The effect that the majority recognition of the opinion and the homogeneity of the personal network bring for Tweets in Twitter
Y Ogawa, H Yamamoto, K Miyata
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 29 (5), 2014
Association between selective exposure and attitude on Twitter
Y Ogawa, K Miyata, H Yamamoto, K Ikeda
2013 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI …, 2013
Effects of media on preventive behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic
T Suzuki, H Yamamoto, Y Ogawa, R Umetani
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1), 1-8, 2023
Social acceptability of personal data utilization business according to data controllers and purposes
S Morishita, M Takano, H Takeda, F Mahdaoui, F Taka, Y Ogawa
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Web Science Conference 2021, 262-271, 2021
Analysis of a public good game permitted new entries: A role of defectors to maintain cooperation
H Yamamoto, I Okada, Y Ogawa
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics …, 2014
Finding and evaluating social-novelty videos in NicoNico douga
M Hirasawa, Y Ogawa, H Suwa, T Ohta
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 111 (470), 201-206, 2012
Effects of incidental brief exposure to news on news knowledge while scrolling through videos
M Takano, Y Ogawa, F Taka, S Morishita
IEEE Access 9, 37772-37783, 2021
News Audience Fragmentation in Japanese Twittersphere
Y Ogawa, T Kobayashi, H Yamamoto, T Suzuki
International Communication Association 65th Annual Conference …, 2015
Prediction of Nikkei VI increase for reducing investment risk using Yahoo! JAPAN stock BBS
K Ueda, K Sasaki, H Suwa, Y Ogawa, E Umehara, T Yamashita, ...
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent …, 2021
Semantic structure of the comfort women issue in Japanese and South Korean newspapers
Y Ogawa, T Kobayashi
Japanese Public Sentiment on South Korea, 87-104, 2021
Semantic structure of disputed issues in Japanese and South Korean newspapers: A text mining approach using Word2Vec
T Kobayashi, Y Ogawa
6th Asian Political Methodology Meeting (Asia PolMeth2019), 2019
Agent-Based Model of Q&A Community for Effective Pecuniary Payback System
Y Ogawa, H Yamamoto, I Okada, H Suwa, T Ohta
Proceedings of the World Congress on Social Simulation (WCSS), 2010
The Impact of Politicians' Behaviors on Hate Speech Diffusion: Analysis Focusing on Adoption Threshold of Hate Speech on Twitter in Japan
T Kim, Y Ogawa
SocArXiv, 2022
株式掲示板と新聞記事データを用いた VI 指数予測
細川蓮, 小川祐樹, 上田健太郎, 諏訪博彦, 梅原英一, 山下達雄, ...
人工知能学会全国大会論文集 第 36 回 (2022), 1A5GS201-1A5GS201, 2022
Morality-based Analysis of Viewer’s Comments on Internet TV News Program ネットテレビのニュース番組に投稿される視聴者コメントの道徳性に基づく分析
T Nishi, Y Ogawa, F Taka, M Takano, S Morishita, H Hattori
Using Tweets to Explore the Reality of Labor--Analysis of Tweets Topics, Employee Motivation, and Overtime Hours
S Iwamoto, Y Ogawa, H Suwa, T Ohta
IEICE Technical Report; IEICE Tech. Rep. 116 (23), 7-12, 2016
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