Silvia Micheli
Silvia Micheli
在 unipg.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Socio-economic acceptability for smart grid development–a comprehensive review
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Journal of Cleaner Production 131, 399-409, 2016
Renewable energy sources policies in a Bayesian DSGE model
A Argentiero, CA Bollino, S Micheli, C Zopounidis
Renewable Energy 120, 60-68, 2018
Willingness to pay for electric boats in a protected area in Italy: A sustainable tourism perspective
S Bigerna, S Micheli, P Polinori
Journal of Cleaner Production 224, 603-613, 2019
New generation acceptability towards durability and repairability of products: Circular economy in the era of the 4th industrial revolution
S Bigerna, S Micheli, P Polinori
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 165, 120558, 2021
The sustainability of renewable energy in Europe
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Springer, 2015
Comparing renewable energy policies in EU 15, US and China: a Bayesian DSGE model
A Argentiero, T Atalla, S Bigerna, S Micheli, P Polinori
The Energy Journal 38 (1_suppl), 77-96, 2017
Eco-labeling and sustainable urban freight transport: how much are people willing to pay for green logistics?
P Polinori, E Marcucci, CA Bollino, S Bigerna, V Gatta
International journal of transport economics: Rivista internazionale di …, 2018
Revealed and stated preferences for CO2 emissions reduction: the missing link
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli, P Polinori
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 68, 1213-1221, 2017
Renewable energy scenarios for costs reductions in the European Union
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Renewable Energy 96, 80-90, 2016
Attitudes toward electric vehicles: The case of Perugia using a fuzzy set analysis
S Bigerna, S Micheli
Sustainability 10 (11), 3999, 2018
A note on medium-and long-term global energy prospects and scenarios
CA Bollino, F Asdrubali, P Polinori, S Bigerna, S Micheli, C Guattari, ...
Sustainability 9 (5), 833, 2017
Overview of socio-economic issues for smart grids development
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
2015 International conference on smart cities and green ICT systems …, 2015
The impact of age on Italian consumers' attitude toward alternative fuel vehicles
K Andriosopoulos, S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Renewable energy 119, 299-308, 2018
A new unified approach to evaluate economic acceptance towards main green technologies using the meta-analysis
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli, P Polinori
Journal of cleaner production 167, 1251-1262, 2017
Smart grids and consumer attitude toward sustainable development
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Journal of Promotion Management 22 (4), 573-587, 2016
Italian youngsters' perceptions of alternative fuel vehicles: A fuzzy-set approach
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Journal of Business Research 69 (11), 5426-5430, 2016
A new variant of adenylate kinase (delG138) associated with severe hemolytic anemia
E Fermo, P Bianchi, C Vercellati, S Micheli, AP Marcello, D Portaleone, ...
Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases 33 (2), 146-149, 2004
On the relative optimality of environmental policy instruments: an application of the work of Alberto Alesina
CA Bollino, S Micheli
Atlantic Economic Journal 40, 385-399, 2012
Costs assessments of European environmental policies
S Bigerna, CA Bollino, S Micheli
Computers & Operations Research 66, 327-335, 2016
Environmental-economic efficiency for carbon neutrality: the role of eco-innovation, taxation, and globalization in OECD countries
S Bigerna, MC D’Errico, S Micheli, P Polinori
Applied Economics 56 (30), 3568-3581, 2024
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