Indra Fardhani
Integrating perspectives from education for sustainable development to foster plant awareness among trainee science teachers: A mixed methods study
K Fiel’ardh, I Fardhani, H Fujii
Sustainability 15 (9), 7395, 2023
Development of problem based learning based e-modules in the form of flipbooks on environmentally friendly technology materials as an independent learning material for students …
M Munzil, Y Affriyenni, S Mualifah, I Fardhani, IJ Fitriyah, M Muntholib
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education …, 2022
The Influence of Field Trip on Junior High School Students’ Naturalistic Intelligence and Problem-Solving Skill in Ecosystem Subject
YH Adisendjaja, MMK Abdi, A Amprasto, I Fardhani
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia 8 (3), 339-346, 2019
The vertical distribution of epiphytic orchids on Schima wallichii trees in a montane forest in West Java, Indonesia
I Fardhani, T Torimaru, H Kisanuki
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 21 (1), 2020
Increase students’ motivation in learning science by developing instructional media in the form of powtoon
IJ Fitriyah, I Fardhani
JIPI (Jurnal IPA dan Pembelajaran IPA) 6 (2), 111-118, 2022
Effects of tree density and the topography of the sites of host trees on epiphytic orchid communities on Schima wallichii in a forest in West Java, Indonesia
I Fardhani, T Torimaru, H Kisanuki
Acta Oecologica 111, 103739, 2021
Diversity of orchid species in Mount Sanggarah, West Bandung, The 22nd Tri-University International Joint Seminar and Symposium, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu
I Fardhani, H Kisanuki, P 2015
Conference: 22nd Tri-U International Joint Seminar & Symposium, 18-23, 2015
Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Angiospermae Di Hutan Kota Malabar, Kota malang, Jawa Timur
EA Putri, AD Rahmania, D Fitriaska'Ainunnizar, JA Listiandi, TR Reswara, ...
Ekologia: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Dasar dan Lingkungan Hidup 23 (1), 47-55, 2023
Development of digital game-based learning based PBL-STEM to stimulate scientific literacy of junior high school students in climate change analyzing activities
FZ Nafidiah, P Parno, IJ Fitriyah, I Fardhani, S Nida, R Suprihatin
AIP Conference Proceedings 2569 (1), 2023
Student’s learning outcomes and scientific literacy improvement through the implementation of reading to learn and discovery learning models
GY Berliana, S Sugiyanto, I Fardhani
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (5), 2563-2572, 2023
Developing Global Warming Module Based on Education for Sustainable Development to Increase Middle School Students’ Understanding and Sustainability Awareness
ST Putri, I Fardhani, Y Mulyati, BR Kurniawan, AA Putri
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education …, 2024
Pengaruh Penggunaan Wordwall Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas Vii Pada Materi Klasifikasi Makhluk Hidup
DMP Lenti, I Fardhani
Proceedings of Life and Applied Sciences 1, 2023
Analisis kemampuan kolaborasi siswa smp pada mata pelajaran ilmu pengetahuan alam
D Firmayanti, I Fardhani
Proceedings of Life and Applied Sciences 1, 2023
Keanekaragaman Hayati Tumbuhan Lumut (Bryophyta) Sekitar Kebun Rojo Camp Kecamatan Dau Kabupaten Malang
AD Masyitoh, I Saputri, IR Antika, FA Ifannani, LA Simanjuntak, NR Safitri, ...
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA 9 (6), 4423-4430, 2023
Keanekaragaman Gulma di Areal Pertanaman Padi Sawah Beririgasi di Kelurahan Mulyorejo, Kota Malang, Indonesia
A Az-Zahro, E Maulidia, FA Refia, JCH Rahayu, NA Sokawati, P Anggraini, ...
Jurnal Proteksi Tanaman 6 (2), 33-44, 2022
Analisis Kualitas Argumentasi Siswa Kelas VII SMP pada Materi Ekosistem dengan Metode Debat
I Fardhani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2011
Development of Uno Stacko Games-Based Learning Media Integrated with Qr Code on the Material of the Human Respiratory System in Increasing Interest and Understanding of …
TD Yunimuninggar, I Fardhani
Journal of Science Education Research 8 (1), 11-23, 2024
Keanekaragaman Ikan dan Tumbuhan Air Tawar di Sumber Gentong, Kecamatan Pakis, Kabupaten Malang
A Ardiansyah, A Setiawan, MF Rohmah, MLN Khasanah, S Kharomah, ...
Biota: Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu-Ilmu Hayati, 172-182, 2024
Sosialisasi Literasi Sains Berdasarkan Kerangka Pisa Untuk Para Pendidik Ipa Di Indonesia
AM Setiawan, I Fardhani, Y Mulyati, S Chandra, T Wulandari, S Nida
Journal of Social Outreach 1 (2), 57-67, 2022
Optimization of Microsoft Office 365 for blended learning-based learning in natural science subjects
IJ Fitriyah, Y Mulyati, I Fardhani
JCER (Journal of Chemistry Education Research) 5 (2), 88-92, 2021
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