New insights in the geodynamics of the Lipari–Vulcano area (Aeolian Archipelago, southern Italy) from geological, geodetic and seismological data G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, M Mattia, C Monaco, L Scarfì Journal of Geodynamics 82, 150-167, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Geodetic and geological evidence of active tectonics in south-western Sicily (Italy) G Barreca, V Bruno, C Cocorullo, F Cultrera, L Ferranti, F Guglielmino, ... Journal of Geodynamics 82, 138-149, 2014 | 48 | 2014 |
Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrusting and folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): Revaluation of “seismic efficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust G De Guidi, G Barberi, G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, S Grassi, S Imposa, ... Journal of geodynamics 90, 32-41, 2015 | 43 | 2015 |
Active faulting and continental slope instability in the Gulf of Patti (Tyrrhenian side of NE Sicily, Italy): a field, marine and seismological joint analysis F Cultrera, G Barreca, P Burrato, L Ferranti, C Monaco, S Passaro, F Pepe, ... Natural Hazards 86, 253-272, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
Fault reactivation by stress pattern reorganization in the Hyblean foreland domain of SE Sicily (Italy) and seismotectonic implications F Cultrera, G Barreca, L Scarfì, C Monaco Tectonophysics 661, 215-228, 2015 | 24 | 2015 |
Structural architecture and active deformation pattern in the northern sector of the Aeolian-Tindari-Letojanni fault system (SE Tyrrhenian Sea-NE Sicily) from integrated … C Fabrizio, B Giovanni, F Luigi, M Carmelo, P Fabrizio, P Salvatore, ... Italian Journal of Geosciences 136 (3), 399-417, 2017 | 20 | 2017 |
The marine activities performed within the TOMO-ETNA experiment M Coltelli, D Cavallaro, M Firetto Carlino, L Cocchi, F Muccini, ... Annals of Geophysics, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Geodetic, geological and geophysical evidence of active tectonics in south-western Sicily and offshore G Barreca, V Bruno, C Cocorullo, F Cultrera, L Ferranti, F Guglielmino, ... RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 29, 5-8, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
First results of an INGV project for the integrated analysis of the active tectonics in SW Sicily M Mattia, G Barreca, C Bottari, V Bruno, P Burrato, F Cultrera, L Dardanelli, ... EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4463, 2017 | | 2017 |
From land to sea: multi-scale and multi-resolution analysis of active deformation and seismogenic sources around the coasts of Southern Italy L Ferranti, C Monaco, F Pepe, M Sacchi, P Burrato, G Dardanelli, ... RENDICONTI ONLINE DELLA SOCIETÀ GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 41 (Suppl. 1), 42-42, 2016 | | 2016 |
HIGH-RESOLUTION SEISMIC SURVEY IN THE WESTERN CALABRIA AND EASTERN SICILY OFFSHORE: IMPLICATIONS WITH VERTICAL TECTONICS G Barreca, M Corradino, F Cultrera, M Meccariello, L Ferranti, C Monaco, ... GeoSUB–Underwater geology, 20-21, 2016 | | 2016 |
Studio morfo strutturale e geodinamico di strutture tettoniche recenti lungo il bordo meridionale dell'Arco Calabro F Cultrera Università degli studi di Catania, 2015 | | 2015 |
EUROFLEETS 2 TOMOETINA EF2-SI-005 MED-SUV ISES CRUISE REPORT R Blanos, D Cavallaro, M Coltelli, D Cotterle, F Cultrera, L Facchin, ... Relazione Interna OGS 2015/49 IRI 4, 2015 | | 2015 |
Active deformation pattern in the Milazzo area: merging of marine and onland structural, morphological, seismological and geodetic data F Cultrera, G Barreca, V Bruno, P Burrato, A Di Stefano, L Ferranti, ... | | 2015 |
Geodetic and geological evidences of activetectonics in western Sicily (Italy): insights onthe seismogenic source of the 1968 Beliceearthquake sequence. G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, L Ferranti, F Guglielmino, L Guzzetta, ... Epitome 2013, 2013 | | 2013 |
By merging the results coming from the on-land and marine investigations on a new structural map, a more complete structural framework of the whole area was obtained (Fig. 2B … G Barreca, F Cultrera, L Ferranti, C Monaco, F Pepe, S Passaro, G Barberi, ... | | |
Polyphase deformations along the regional transect Squillace Basin-Crotone swell-Taranto basin-Apulian foreland: a Recent active collisional system in the northeastern Ionian Sea G Barreca, V Bruno, F Cultrera, L Ferranti, F Guglielmino, L Guzzetta, ... | | |