Maria Gunnarsson
Maria Gunnarsson
在 fkem1.lu.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Extraction of natural moisturizing factor from the stratum corneum and its implication on skin molecular mobility
M Gunnarsson, EH Mojumdar, D Topgaard, E Sparr
Journal of colloid and interface science 604, 480-491, 2021
The CO 2 capturing ability of cellulose dissolved in NaOH (aq) at low temperature
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, Å Östlund, M Hasani
Green Chemistry 20 (14), 3279-3286, 2018
The effects of glycols on molecular mobility, structure, and permeability in stratum corneum
N Kis, M Gunnarsson, S Berkó, E Sparr
Journal of Controlled Release 343, 755-764, 2022
Pre-treatments of pre-consumer cotton-based textile waste for production of textile fibres in the cold NaOH (aq) and cellulose carbamate processes
M Määttänen, M Gunnarsson, H Wedin, S Stibing, C Olsson, T Köhnke, ...
Cellulose 28, 3869-3886, 2021
Chemisorption of air CO2 on cellulose: an overlooked feature of the cellulose/NaOH(aq) dissolution system
M Gunnarsson, H Theliander, M Hasani
Cellulose 24, 2427-2436, 2017
The stratum corneum barrier-from molecular scale to macroscopic properties
E Sparr, S Björklund, QD Pham, EH Mojumdar, B Stenqvist, ...
Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 101725, 2023
On the interference of urea with CO2/CO32-chemistry of cellulose model solutions in NaOH (aq)
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, M Hasani
Carbohydrate Polymers 251, 117059, 2021
The CO2/CO32−chemistry of the NaOH(aq) model system applicable to cellulose solutions
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, M Hasani
Cellulose 27 (2), 621-628, 2020
Direct Evidence for Reaction between Cellulose and CO2 from Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, M Hasani, M Lund, E Bialik
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (42), 14006-14011, 2021
Molecular Mobility in Keratin-Rich Materials Monitored by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: A Tool for the Evaluation of Structure-Giving Properties
M Gunnarsson, S Larsson, M Malak, MB Ericson, D Topgaard, E Sparr
Biomacromolecules 24 (6), 2661-2673, 2023
Influence of urea on methyl -D-glucopyranoside in alkali at different temperatures
M Gunnarsson, M Hasani, D Bernin
Cellulose 26 (18), 9413-9422, 2019
Multi-hop neural question answering in the telecom domain
M Gunnarsson
LTH, Lund University: Lund, Sweden, 2021
Decreased wet strength in retorted liquid packaging board
M Gunnarsson
Understanding overlooked molecular interactions in the cellulose/NaOH (aq) system
M Gunnarsson
PQDT-Global, 2019
The potential of magnetisation transfer NMR to monitor the dissolution process of cellulose in cold alkali
M Gunnarsson, M Hasani, D Bernin
Cellulose 26, 9403-9412, 2019
On the interference of urea with CO< inf> 2</inf>/CO< inf> 3</inf>< sup> 2-</sup> chemistry of cellulose
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, M Hasani
Carbohydrate Polymers 251, 117059, 2021
Dissolution of cellulose in NaOH (aq): an unexpected chemisorption of CO2 (g)
M Hasani, M Gunnarsson, B Swensson, D Bernin
Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 257, 2019
CO2 capturing and the influence on cellulose dissolution in the NaOH (aq) system
M Gunnarsson, D Bernin, Å Östlund, M Hasani
15th European workshop on lignocellulosics and pulp, June 26-29, 2018 …, 2018
Investigation of CO2 interactions with cellulose dissolved in the NaOH (aq) system
M Gunnarsson
PQDT-Global, 2017
The effects of chemical permeation enhancer glycols on the skin
N Kis, M Gunnarsson, E Sparr, A Kovács, S Berkó
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