Large scale metric learning from equivalence constraints M Köstinger, M Hirzer, P Wohlhart, PM Roth, H Bischof Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2012 IEEE Conference on …, 2012 | 1980 | 2012 |
Annotated facial landmarks in the wild: A large-scale, real-world database for facial landmark localization M Köstinger, P Wohlhart, PM Roth, H Bischof Computer Vision Workshops (ICCV Workshops), 2011 IEEE International …, 2011 | 1263 | 2011 |
Person re-identification by descriptive and discriminative classification M Hirzer, C Beleznai, PM Roth, H Bischof Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis, 91-102, 2011 | 1210 | 2011 |
Relaxed pairwise learned metric for person re-identification M Hirzer, PM Roth, M Köstinger, H Bischof European Conference on Computer Vision, 780-793, 2012 | 560 | 2012 |
Hough-based on-line tracking of non-rigid objects M Godec, P Roth, H Bischof International Conference on Computer Vision, 2011 | 483* | 2011 |
Mahalanobis distance learning for person re-identification PM Roth, M Hirzer, M Koestinger, C Beleznai, H Bischof Person Re-Identification, 247-267, 2014 | 323 | 2014 |
Biomedical image augmentation using Augmentor MD Bloice, PM Roth, A Holzinger Bioinformatics 35 (21), 4522-4524, 2019 | 257 | 2019 |
Survey of appearance-based methods for object recognition PM Roth, M Winter Technical Report, 2008 | 232 | 2008 |
Person re-identification by efficient impostor-based metric learning M Hirzer, PM Roth, H Bischof 2012 IEEE ninth international conference on advanced video and signal-based …, 2012 | 210 | 2012 |
3d pose estimation and 3d model retrieval for objects in the wild A Grabner, PM Roth, V Lepetit Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2018 | 156 | 2018 |
Occlusion geodesics for online multi-object tracking H Possegger, T Mauthner, PM Roth, H Bischof proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2014 | 144 | 2014 |
On robustness of on-line boosting-a competitive study C Leistner, A Saffari, PM Roth, H Bischof 2009 IEEE 12th International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV …, 2009 | 121 | 2009 |
On-line conservative learning for person detection PM Roth, H Grabner, H Bischof, D Skocaj, A Leonardist 2005 IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance and Performance …, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
Classifier grids for robust adaptive object detection PM Roth, S Sternig, H Grabner, H Bischof Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2009. CVPR 2009. IEEE Conference on …, 2009 | 105 | 2009 |
Towards the augmented pathologist: Challenges of explainable-ai in digital pathology A Holzinger, B Malle, P Kieseberg, PM Roth, H Müller, R Reihs, ... arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.06657, 2017 | 89 | 2017 |
Alternating decision forests S Schulter, P Wohlhart, C Leistner, A Saffari, PM Roth, H Bischof Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013 | 83 | 2013 |
Pose estimation and model retrieval for objects in images A Grabner, PM Roth, V Lepetit US Patent 10,769,411, 2020 | 78 | 2020 |
Learning Lightprobes for Mixed Reality Illumination D Mandl, KM Yi, P Mohr, P Roth, P Fua, V Lepetit, D Schmalstieg, ... 16th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2017 | 75 | 2017 |
Robust real-time tracking of multiple objects by volumetric mass densities H Possegger, S Sternig, T Mauthner, PM Roth, H Bischof Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013 | 74 | 2013 |
Semantic classification in aerial imagery by integrating appearance and height information S Kluckner, T Mauthner, PM Roth, H Bischof Asian Conference on Computer Vision, 477-488, 2009 | 74 | 2009 |