Influence of hydrostratigraphy and structural setting on the arsenic occurrence in groundwater of the Cimino-Vico volcanic area (central Italy) M Angelone, C Cremisini, V Piscopo, M Proposito, F Spaziani Hydrogeology Journal 17 (4), 901, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
Hydrogeology of continental southern Italy DV Pantaleone, A Vincenzo, C Fulvio, F Silvia, M Cesaria, M Giuseppina, ... Journal of Maps 14 (2), 230-241, 2018 | 72 | 2018 |
Hydrogeology of thermal waters in Viterbo area, central Italy V Piscopo, M Barbieri, V Monetti, G Pagano, S Pistoni, E Ruggi, ... Hydrogeology Journal 14, 1508-1521, 2006 | 60 | 2006 |
Note illustrative della Carta idrogeologica dell'Italia meridionale V Allocca, F Celico, P Celico, P DE VITA, S Fabbrocino, S Mattia, I Musilli, ... Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2007 | 47 | 2007 |
Influences of hydrological and hydrogeological conditions on debris flows in peri-vesuvian hillslopes P De Vita, V Piscopo Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 2 (1/2), 27-35, 2002 | 47 | 2002 |
Outline of the hydrogeology of the Cimino and Vico volcanic area and of the interaction between groundwater and Lake Vico (Lazio Region, Central Italy) A Baiocchi, W Dragoni, F Lotti, G Luzzi, V Piscopo BOLLETTINO-SOCIETA GEOLOGICA ITALIANA 125 (2), 187, 2006 | 37 | 2006 |
Hydraulic characterisation of some arenaceous rocks of Molise (Southern Italy) through outcropping measurements and Lugeon tests M Nappi, L Esposito, V Piscopo, G Rega Engineering geology 81 (1), 54-64, 2005 | 34 | 2005 |
Caratterizzazione idrogeologica e idrogeochimica dell'area vesuviana P Celico, D Stanzione, L Esposito, MR Ghiara, V Piscopo, S Caliro, ... Bollettino della Società geologica italiana 117 (1), 3-20, 1998 | 33 | 1998 |
Conceptual hydrogeological model and groundwater resource estimation in a complex hydrothermal area: the case of the Viterbo geothermal area (central Italy) B Antonella, L Francesca, P Vincenzo Journal of Water Resource and Protection 2012, 2012 | 32 | 2012 |
La complessita idrogeologica di un'area vulcanica attiva; l'Isola d'Ischia (Napoli, Campania) P Celico, D Stanzione, L Esposito, F Formica, V Piscopo, BM De Rosa Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana 118 (3), 485-504, 1999 | 31 | 1999 |
Estimation of rock mass permeability using variation in hydraulic conductivity with depth: experiences in hard rocks of western Turkey V Piscopo, A Baiocchi, F Lotti, EA Ayan, AR Biler, AH Ceyhan, M Cüylan, ... Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 77 (4), 1663-1671, 2018 | 28 | 2018 |
The debris flows of 5–6 May 1998 in Campania, southern Italy FM Guadagno, PB Celico, L Esposito, S Perriello Zampelli, V Piscopo, ... Landslide news 12, 5-7, 1999 | 28 | 1999 |
Impact of groundwater withdrawals on the interaction of multi-layered aquifers in the Viterbo geothermal area (central Italy) A Baiocchi, F Lotti, V Piscopo Hydrogeology Journal 21 (6), 1339, 2013 | 26 | 2013 |
Groundwater flow and protection in the Southern Appennines F Celico, PB Celico, V Piscopo Hydrogéologie 4, 39-47, 2000 | 26 | 2000 |
Influence of hydrogeological setting on the arsenic occurrence in groundwater of the volcanic areas of central and southern Italy A Baiocchi, F Lotti, V Piscopo AQUA mundi 4035, 131-142, 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
Dynamic Stackelberg game model for water rationalization in drought emergency R Kicsiny, V Piscopo, A Scarelli, Z Varga Journal of Hydrology 517, 557-565, 2014 | 20 | 2014 |
Illustrative notes of the" Hydrogeological map of southern Italy" V Allocca, F Celico, PB Celico, P DE VITA, S Fabbrocino, S Mattia, ... Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2007 | 20 | 2007 |
An integrated approach to identify water resources for human consumption in an area affected by high natural arsenic content G Armiento, A Baiocchi, C Cremisini, C Crovato, F Lotti, L Lucentini, ... Water 7 (9), 5091-5114, 2015 | 19 | 2015 |
Experiment of pumping at constant-head: an alternative possibility to the sustainable yield of a well V Piscopo, G Summa Hydrogeology Journal 15, 679-687, 2007 | 19 | 2007 |
Relationship between aquifer pumping response and quality of water extracted from wells in an active hydrothermal system: The case of the Island of Ischia (southern Italy) V Piscopo, F Formica, L Lana, F Lotti, L Pianese, M Trifuoggi Water 12 (9), 2576, 2020 | 16 | 2020 |