Kirsti Granlund
Kirsti Granlund
在 ymparisto.fi 的电子邮件经过验证
Impact of climate change on the water cycle and nutrient losses in a Finnish catchment
F Bouraoui, B Grizzetti, K Granlund, S Rekolainen, G Bidoglio
Climatic Change 66, 109-126, 2004
Modelling diffuse emission and retention of nutrients in the Vantaanjoki watershed (Finland) using the SWAT model
B Grizzetti, F Bouraoui, K Granlund, S Rekolainen, G Bidoglio
Ecological Modelling 169 (1), 25-38, 2003
Nitrogen in river basins: Sources, retention in the surface waters and peatlands, and fluxes to estuaries in Finland
A Lepistö, K Granlund, P Kortelainen, A Räike
Science of the total environment 365 (1-3), 238-259, 2006
Assessment of water protection targets for agricultural nutrient loading in Finland
K Granlund, A Räike, P Ekholm, K Rankinen, S Rekolainen
Journal of Hydrology 304 (1-4), 251-260, 2005
Ensemble modelling of nutrient loads and nutrient load partitioning in 17 European catchments
B Kronvang, H Behrendt, HE Andersen, B Arheimer, A Barr, SA Borgvang, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (3), 572-583, 2009
Hydrological and water quality modelling in a medium-sized coastal basin
A Francos, G Bidoglio, L Galbiati, F Bouraoui, FJ Elorza, S Rekolainen, ...
Physics and chemistry of the earth, part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere …, 2001
Simulated nitrogen leaching, nitrogen mass field balances and their correlation on four farms in south-western Finland during the period 2000 2005
K Rankinen, T Salo, K Granlund, H Rita
MTT Agrifood Research Finland, 2007
Influence of EU policy on agricultural nutrient losses and the state of receiving surface waters in Finland
P Ekholm, K Granlund, P Kauppila, S Mitikka, J Niemi, K Rankinen, ...
MTT Agrifood Research Finland, 2007
Estimation of the impact of fertilisation rate on nitrate leaching in Finland using a mathematical simulation model
K Granlund, S Rekolainen, J Grönroos, A Nikander, Y Laine
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 80 (1-2), 1-13, 2000
Impacts of climatic change on agricultural nutrient losses in Finland
K Kallio, S Rekolainen, P Ekholm, K Granlund, Y Laine, H Johnsson, ...
Boreal Environment Research Publishing Board, 1997
Maatalouden ympäristötuen toimenpiteiden toteutuminen ja vaikutukset vesistökuormitukseen vuosina 1995-1999
R Palva, K Rankinen, K Granlund, J Grönroos, A Nikander, S Rekolainen
Suomen ympäristö 478, 92, 2001
Hydrological application of the INCA model with varying spatial resolution and nitrogen dynamics in a northern river basin
K Rankinen, A Lepistö, K Granlund
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 6 (3), 339-350, 2002
Runoff and nutrient losses during winter periods in cold climates—requirements to nutrient simulation models
J Deelstra, SH Kværnø, K Granlund, AS Sileika, K Gaigalis, K Kyllmar, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (3), 602-609, 2009
Testing the INCA model in a small agricultural catchment in southern Finland
K Granlund, K Rankinen, A Lepistö
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 8 (4), 717-728, 2004
Identifying multiple stressors that influence eutrophication in a Finnish agricultural river
K Rankinen, JEC Bernal, M Holmberg, K Vuorio, K Granlund
Science of the Total Environment 658, 1278-1292, 2019
Basin characteristics and nutrient losses: the EUROHARP catchment network perspective
F Bouraoui, B Grizzetti, G Adelsköld, H Behrendt, I De Miguel, M Silgram, ...
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (3), 515-525, 2009
Comparison of impacts of human activities and climate change on water quantity and quality in Finnish agricultural catchments
K Rankinen, G Gao, K Granlund, J Grönroos, L Vesikko
Landscape ecology 30, 415-428, 2015
Ympäristötuen mukaiset viljelytoimenpiteet ja niiden vaikutukset vesistökuormitukseen vuosina 2000–2002
S Pyykkönen, J Grönroos, K Rankinen, P Laitinen, E Karhu, K Granlund
Suomen ympäristö 711, 119, 2004
Implementation of automatic sensors for continuous monitoring of runoff quantity and quality in small catchments
J Linjama, M Puustinen, J Koskiaho
Agricultural and Food Science 18 (3-4), 417-427, 2009
Viljelytoimenpiteet ja vesistökuormitus ympäristötukitiloilla vuosina 2003–2005
P Mattila, K Rankinen, J Grönroos, K Siimes, E Karhu, P Laitinen, ...
Suomen ympäristö 40, 2007, 2007
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