Passive microwave substrate integrated cavity resonator for humidity sensing H El Matbouly, N Boubekeur, F Domingue IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 63 (12), 4150-4156, 2015 | 89 | 2015 |
Environmentally-friendly cellulose nanofibre sheets for humidity sensing in microwave frequencies GA Eyebe, B Bideau, N Boubekeur, É Loranger, F Domingue Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 245, 484-492, 2017 | 60 | 2017 |
A novel chipless identification tag based on a substrate integrated cavity resonator H El Matbouly, N Boubekeur, F Domingue IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 23 (1), 52-54, 2013 | 27 | 2013 |
A highly sensitive substrate integrated waveguide interferometer applied to humidity sensing A Benleulmi, N Boubekeur, D Massicotte IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 29 (1), 68-70, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Microwave sensing schemes of CPW resonators fully printed on humidity sensitive substrates GA Eyebe, N Sama, N Boubekeur, F Domingue IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 29 (4), 303-305, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Frequency stability of Ti^ sup3+^-doped whispering gallery mode sapphire resonator oscillator at 34 K N Boubekeur, JG Hartnett, ME Tobar, N Bazin, Y Kersalé, V Giordano Electronics Letters 41 (9), 1, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Novel TOCN/PVOH dielectric composite sheets with low ecological footprint for microwave humidity sensing GA Eyebe, B Bideau, E Loranger, N Boubekeur, F Domingue IEEE sensors letters 2 (4), 1-4, 2018 | 10 | 2018 |
Evolution with temperature of a single sol–gel TIO2 layer on sapphire (α-Al2O3)(0 0 0 1) S Vives, C Meunier, N Boubekeur, Y Kersale, V Giordano Applied surface science 253 (17), 7131-7135, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
New advances in ultra–stable microwave oscillators V Giordano, PY Bourgeois, Y Gruson, N Boubekeur, R Boudot, E Rubiola, ... The European Physical Journal-Applied Physics 32 (2), 133-141, 2005 | 10 | 2005 |
Titanium doped cryogenic sapphire resonator oscillators Y Kersalé, N Boubekeur, JG Hartnett, ME Tobar, N Bazin, V Giordano Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and …, 2005 | 4 | 2005 |
Novel substrate integrated waveguide architectures for microfluidic biosensing and environmental detection A Benleulmi, N Boubekeur, D Massicotte 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2020 | 3 | 2020 |
New temperature compensated sapphire-rutile resonator oscillator Y Kersalé, N Boubekeur, M Chaubet, N Bazin, V Giordano 2006 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exposition, 695-698, 2006 | 2 | 2006 |
Low-profile triband ISM dipole antenna GA Eyebe, A Benleulmi, N Boubekeur, F Domingue 2016 22nd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and …, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Dielectric powder characterization by radio frequency measurements technique for hydrogen sensor applications: Application to iron oxide N Boubekeur, H El Matbouly, F Domingue SENSORS, 2013 IEEE, 1-4, 2013 | 1 | 2013 |
Sputtered TiO2-sapphire temperature compensated resonator oscillator Y Kersalé, N Boubekeur, M Chaubet, L Garçon, N Bazin, V Giordano Electronics Letters 42 (18), 1042-1043, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Etude, réalisation et caractérisation d'oscillateurs à résonateur saphir compensé N Boubekeur Besançon, 2006 | 1 | 2006 |
Doped Microwave Temperature Compensated Sapphire Resonator Oscillator at 34K N Boubekeur, JG Hartnett, ME Tobar, N Bazin, Y Kersalé, V Giordano Proceedings of the $19^{th} $ European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF), 130-133, 2005 | 1 | 2005 |
Evolution with temperature of a single sol-gel TIO {sub 2} layer on sapphire ({alpha}-Al {sub 2} O {sub 3})(0 0 0 1) S Vives, C Meunier, N Boubekeur, Y Kersale, V Giordano Applied Surface Science 253, 2007 | | 2007 |
Latest developments in ultra-stable microwave oscillators at Femto-ST Institute V Giordano, Y Gruson, N Boubekeur, R Boudot, K Benmessaï, S Cordier, ... Proceedings of the 20th European Frequency and Time Forum, 68-75, 2006 | | 2006 |
Oscillateur à résonateur saphir dopé en ions à 34K N Boubekeur, PY Bourgeois, JG Hartnett, ME Tobar, N Bazin, V Giordano, ... Actes des Journées Nationales Microondes (JNM), 5Db14, 2005 | | 2005 |