Pieter De Leenheer
Pieter De Leenheer
Harvard Business School
在 hbs.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Ontology management: semantic web, semantic web services, and business applications
M Hepp, P De Leenheer, A De Moor, Y Sure
Springer Science & Business Media, 2007
DOGMA-MESS: A meaning evolution support system for interorganizational ontology engineering
A De Moor, P De Leenheer, R Meersman
Conceptual Structures: Inspiration and Application: 14th International …, 2006
Business semantics management: A case study for competency-centric HRM
P De Leenheer, S Christiaens, R Meersman
Computers in Industry 61 (8), 760-775, 2010
Using conceptual models to explore business-ICT alignment in networked value constellations: Case studies from the Dutch aviation industry, Spanish electricity industry and …
V Pijpers, P De Leenheer, J Gordijn, H Akkermans
Requirements Engineering 17, 203-226, 2012
Context dependency management in ontology engineering: a formal approach
P De Leenheer, A De Moor, R Meersman
Journal on data semantics VIII, 26-56, 2007
Nichesourcing: harnessing the power of crowds of experts
V De Boer, M Hildebrand, L Aroyo, P De Leenheer, C Dijkshoorn, B Tesfa, ...
Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management: 18th International …, 2012
Fuzzy verification of service value networks
IS Razo-Zapata, P De Leenheer, J Gordijn, H Akkermans
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 24th International Conference …, 2012
Dynamic cluster-based service bundling: A value-oriented framework
J Gordijn, P De Leenheer, H Akkermans
2011 IEEE 13th Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing, 96-103, 2011
DOGMA-MESS: A tool for fact-oriented collaborative ontology evolution
P De Leenheer, C Debruyne
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2008
Open semantic service networks
J Cardoso, C Pedrinaci, T Leidig, P Rupino, P De Leenheer
Service network approaches
IS Razo-Zapata, P De Leenheer, J Gordijn, H Akkermans
Handbook of service description: USDL and its methods, 45-74, 2012
Context-driven disambiguation in ontology elicitation
P De Leenheer, A De Moor
Context and Ontologies: Theory, Practice, and Applications. Proc. of the 1st …, 2005
Radiomarché: Distributed voice-and web-interfaced market information systems under rural conditions
V de Boer, P De Leenheer, A Bon, NB Gyan, C van Aart, C Guéret, ...
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 24th International Conference …, 2012
T-lex: A role-based ontology engineering tool
D Trog, J Vereecken, S Christiaens, P De Leenheer, R Meersman
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2006: OTM 2006 Workshops: OTM …, 2006
Open semantic service networks: modeling and analysis
J Cardoso, C Pedrinaci, P De Leenheer
Exploring Services Science: 4th International Conference, IESS 2013, Porto …, 2013
On community-based ontology evolution
P De Leenheer
PhD thesis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 2009
Towards community-based evolution of knowledge-intensive systems
P De Leenheer, R Meersman
OTM Confederated International Conferences" On the Move to Meaningful …, 2007
e 3 service: A Critical Reflection and Future Research
IS Razo-Zapata, J Gordijn, P De Leenheer, R Wieringa
Business & information systems engineering 57, 51-59, 2015
Generating service value webs by hierarchical configuration: A case in intellectual property rights clearing
J Gordijn, P De Leenheer, I Razo-Zapata
2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2011
Towards social performance indicators for community-based ontology evolution
P De Leenheer, C Debruyne, J Peeters
Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured …, 2009
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