Jianxin Yi
Behavior of Ba(Co, Fe, Nb)O3-δ Perovskite in CO2-Containing Atmospheres: Degradation Mechanism and Materials Design
J Yi, M Schroeder, T Weirich, J Mayer
Chemistry of Materials 22 (23), 6246-6253, 2010
A novel pulse isotopic exchange technique for rapid determination of the oxygen surface exchange rate of oxide ion conductors
HJM Bouwmeester, C Song, J Zhu, J Yi, M van Sint Annaland, ...
Physical chemistry chemical physics 11 (42), 9640-9643, 2009
Oxygen Permeability and Stability of Sr0.95Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ in a CO2- and H2O-Containing Atmosphere
J Yi, S Feng, Y Zuo, W Liu, C Chen
Chemistry of materials 17 (23), 5856-5861, 2005
Oxygen permeation through a Ce0. 8Sm0. 2O2− δ–La0. 8Sr0. 2CrO3− δ dual-phase composite membrane
J Yi, Y Zuo, W Liu, L Winnubst, C Chen
Journal of membrane science 280 (1-2), 849-855, 2006
Enhanced ethanol sensing of Ni-doped SnO2 hollow spheres synthesized by a one-pot hydrothermal method
Z Li, J Yi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 243, 96-103, 2017
Superior NO2 Sensing of MOF-Derived Indium-Doped ZnO Porous Hollow Cages
Z Li, Y Zhang, H Zhang, Y Jiang, J Yi
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (33), 37489-37498, 2020
CO2-Tolerant and Cobalt-Free SrFe0.8Nb0.2O3−δ Perovskite Membrane for Oxygen Separation
J Yi, M Schroeder, M Martin
Chemistry of Materials 25 (6), 815-817, 2013
CO2 corrosion and recovery of perovskite-type BaCo1− x− yFexNbyO3− δ membranes
J Yi, TE Weirich, M Schroeder
Journal of Membrane Science 437, 49-56, 2013
High-temperature compressive creep behaviour of the perovskite-type oxide Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ
JX Yi, HL Lein, T Grande, S Yakovlev, HJM Bouwmeester
Solid State Ionics 180 (36-39), 1564-1568, 2009
High temperature degradation of Ba0. 5Sr0. 5Co0. 8Fe0. 2O3− δ membranes in atmospheres containing concentrated carbon dioxide
J Yi, M Schroeder
Journal of Membrane Science 378 (1-2), 163-170, 2011
Remarkably enhanced hydrogen sensing of highly-ordered SnO2-decorated TiO2 nanotubes
H Xun, Z Zhang, A Yu, J Yi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 273, 983-990, 2018
Fast Response, Highly Sensitive and Selective Mixed-Potential H2 Sensor Based on (La, Sr)(Cr, Fe)O3-δ Perovskite Sensing Electrode
H Zhang, J Yi, X Jiang
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (20), 17218-17225, 2017
MOF-derived Au-loaded Co3O4 porous hollow nanocages for acetone detection
Z Li, Y Zhang, H Zhang, J Yi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 344, 130182, 2021
An experimental investigation of supercritical CO2 accidental release from a pressurized pipeline
K Li, X Zhou, R Tu, Q Xie, J Yi, X Jiang
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 107, 298-306, 2016
Stability and oxygen permeation behavior of Ce0. 8Sm0. 2O2− δ–La0. 8Sr0. 2CrO3− δ composite membrane under large oxygen partial pressure gradients
B Wang, J Yi, L Winnubst, C Chen
Journal of membrane science 286 (1-2), 22-25, 2006
Drastically enhanced ammonia sensing of Pt/ZnO ordered porous ultra-thin films
Z Li, J Yi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 317, 128217, 2020
A modelling study of the multiphase leakage flow from pressurised CO2 pipeline
X Zhou, K Li, R Tu, J Yi, Q Xie, X Jiang
Journal of hazardous materials 306, 286-294, 2016
Selective detection of parts-per-billion H2S with Pt-decorated ZnO nanorods
A Yu, Z Li, J Yi
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 333, 129545, 2021
Enhanced ethanol gas sensing performance of ZnO nanoflowers decorated with LaMnO3 perovskite nanoparticles
H Zhang, J Yi
Materials Letters 216, 196-198, 2018
Oxygen permeation and oxidation states of transition metals in (Fe, Nb)-doped BaCoO3− δ perovskites
J Yi, J Brendt, M Schroeder, M Martin
Journal of membrane science 387, 17-23, 2012
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