Luca Lombardo
Luca Lombardo
在 unife.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Temporomandibular disorders and dental occlusion. A systematic review of association studies: end of an era?
D Manfredini, L Lombardo, G Siciliani
Journal of oral rehabilitation 44 (11), 908-923, 2017
Quantitative cone-beam computed tomography evaluation of palatal bone thickness for orthodontic miniscrew placement
A Gracco, L Lombardo, M Cozzani, G Siciliani
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 134 (3), 361-369, 2008
Stress relaxation properties of four orthodontic aligner materials: A 24-hour in vitro study
L Lombardo, E Martines, V Mazzanti, A Arreghini, F Mollica, G Siciliani
The Angle Orthodontist 87 (1), 11-18, 2016
Predictability of orthodontic movement with orthodontic aligners: a retrospective study
L Lombardo, A Arreghini, F Ramina, LT Huanca Ghislanzoni, G Siciliani
Progress in orthodontics 18, 1-12, 2017
Temporomandibular joint disorders in patients with different facial morphology. A systematic review of the literature
D Manfredini, M Segù, N Arveda, L Lombardo, G Siciliani, A Rossi, ...
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 74 (1), 29-46, 2016
Load deflection characteristics and force level of nickel titanium initial archwires
L Lombardo, M Marafioti, F Stefanoni, F Mollica, G Siciliani
The Angle Orthodontist 82 (3), 507-521, 2012
Quantitative evaluation with CBCT of palatal bone thickness in growing patients.
A Gracco, L Lombardo, M Cozzani, G Siciliani
Progress in orthodontics 7 (2), 164-174, 2006
Computed tomography evaluation of mandibular incisor bony support in untreated patients
A Gracco, L Luca, MC Bongiorno, G Siciliani
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 138 (2), 179-187, 2010
Systematic review for orthodontic and orthopedic treatments for anterior open bite in the mixed dentition
L Pisani, L Bonaccorso, R Fastuca, R Spena, L Lombardo, A Caprioglio
Progress in orthodontics 17, 1-14, 2016
Changes in the oral environment after placement of lingual and labial orthodontic appliances
L Lombardo, YÖ Ortan, Ö Gorgun, C Panza, G Scuzzo, G Siciliani
Progress in orthodontics 14, 1-8, 2013
Upper incisor position and bony support in untreated patients as seen on CBCT
A Gracco, L Lombardo, G Mancuso, V Gravina, G Siciliani
The Angle Orthodontist 79 (4), 692-702, 2009
Orthodontics is temporomandibular disorder–neutral
D Manfredini, E Stellini, A Gracco, L Lombardo, LG Nardini, G Siciliani
The Angle Orthodontist 86 (4), 649-654, 2016
Caries prevention during orthodontic treatment: In-vivo assessment of high-fluoride varnish to prevent white spot lesions
F Perrini, L Lombardo, A Arreghini, S Medori, G Siciliani
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 149 (2), 238-243, 2016
Effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and on micronutrient and macronutrient uptake and allocation in olive plantlets growing under high total Mn levels
C Briccoli Bati, E Santilli, L Lombardo
Mycorrhiza 25 (2), 97-108, 2015
New technologies for insect-resistant and herbicide-tolerant plants
L Lombardo, G Coppola, S Zelasco
Trends in biotechnology 34 (1), 49-57, 2016
Torque expression capacity of 0.018 and 0.022 bracket slots by changing archwire material and cross section
A Arreghini, L Lombardo, F Mollica, G Siciliani
Progress in orthodontics 15, 1-18, 2014
3D FEM comparison of lingual and labial orthodontics in en masse retraction
L Lombardo, G Scuzzo, A Arreghini, Ö Gorgun, YÖ Ortan, G Siciliani
Progress in Orthodontics 15, 1-12, 2014
Optical properties of orthodontic aligners—spectrophotometry analysis of three types before and after aging
L Lombardo, A Arreghini, R Maccarrone, A Bianchi, S Scalia, G Siciliani
Progress in Orthodontics 16, 1-8, 2015
Objective assessment of compliance with intra-and extraoral removable appliances
A Arreghini, S Trigila, L Lombardo, G Siciliani
The Angle Orthodontist 87 (1), 88-95, 2017
Assessment of anxiety and coping features in bruxers: a portable electromyographic and electrocardiographic study
D Manfredini, A Arreghini, L Lombardo, A Visentin, S Cerea, T Castroflorio, ...
J Oral Facial Pain Headache 30 (3), 249-254, 2016
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