Raheb Mirzanamadi
Raheb Mirzanamadi
Researcher at VTI
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Anti-icing of road surfaces using hydronic heating pavement with low temperature
R Mirzanamadi, CE Hagentoft, P Johansson, J Johnsson
Cold regions science and technology 145, 106-118, 2018
Thermal properties of asphalt concrete: A numerical and experimental study
R Mirzanamadi, P Johansson, SA Grammatikos
Construction and Building Materials 158, 774-785, 2018
Coupling a Hydronic Heating Pavement to a Horizontal Ground Heat Exchanger for harvesting solar energy and heating road surfaces
R Mirzanamadi, CE Hagentoft, P Johansson
Renewable Energy 147, 447-463, 2020
Hydronic pavement heating for sustainable ice-free roads
B Adl-Zarrabi, R Mirzanamadi, J Johnsson
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 704-713, 2016
An analysis of hydronic heating pavement to optimize the required energy for anti-icing
R Mirzanamadi, CE Hagentoft, P Johansson
Applied Thermal Engineering 144, 278-290, 2018
Numerical investigation of harvesting solar energy and anti-icing road surfaces using a hydronic heating pavement and borehole thermal energy storage
R Mirzanamadi, CE Hagentoft, P Johansson
Energies 11 (12), 3443, 2018
Pedestrians’ mental satisfaction's relationship with physical characteristics on sidewalks using analytical hierarchy process: case study of Tehran, Iran
G Shafabakhsh, R Mirzanamadi, M Mohammadi
Transportation letters 7 (3), 121-132, 2015
Ice free roads using hydronic heating pavement with low temperature: Thermal properties of asphalt concretes and numerical simulations
R Mirzanamadi
Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden, 2017
Safe and sustainable coastal highway route E39
B Adl-Zarrabi, B Ebrahimi, M Hoseini, J Johnsson, R Mirzanamadi, ...
Transportation Research Procedia 14, 3350-3359, 2016
Micro simulation of the elderly population's effect on Iran's pedestrian's walking flow
G Shafabakhsh, R Mirzanamadi, M Mohammadi
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 25 (4), 331-342, 2013
Users’ experiences of tyre wear on electric vehicles: a survey and interview study
R Mirzanamadi, M Gustafsson
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2022
Hydronic Pavement Using Low Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage
B Adl-Zarrabi, J Johnsson, R Mirzanamadi
Advances in Civil, Environmental and materials research (ACEM16), 14, 2016
Analysis of pedestrians' walking speed in iran's sidewalks (considering the elderly)
G Shafabakhsh, M Mohammadi, R Mirzanamadi
Journal of Basic Applied Scientific Research 3 (3), 172-182, 2013
Hydronic heating pavement with low temperature: the effect of pre-heating and fluid temperature on anti-icing performance
R Mirzanamadi, CE Hagentoft, P Johansson
Cold Climate HVAC 2018: Sustainable Buildings in Cold Climates, 479-491, 2019
Utilizing solar energy for anti-icing road surfaces using hydronic heating pavement with low temperature
R Mirzanamadi
Chalmers University of Technology, 2019
Exploring Factors that Influence people’s Satisfaction with Sidewalk Environments Using Multi-Criteria Methods (SAW, TOPSIS, VIKOR & AHP)(Case study: Tehran, Iran)
R Mirzanamadi, Z Afsharikia
11th International Conference of Traffic and Transportation, Tehran, Iran, Feb, 2012
Hydronic Pavement Using Low Temperature Borehole Thermal Energy Storage. 2016 Word Congr. Adv. Civil, Environ
B Adl-Zarrabi, J Johnsson, R Mirzanamadi
Mater. Res., Jeju Island, Korea, 2016
Lateral Track Buckling in Sweden: Insights from Operators and Infrastructure Managers
R Mirzanamadi, E Nyberg, P Torstensson, Y Andersson-Sköld
CivilEng 5 (1), 136-149, 2024
Ramverk för att prioritera och bedöma nyttan av klimatanpassningsåtgärder
Y Andersson-Sköld, R Mirzanamadi, E Nyberg, S Erlingsson, ...
Statens väg-och transportforskningsinstitut, 2023
Masshantering: indikatorer och nyckeltal för incitament för reducerad klimatpåverkan vid upphandling
Y Andersson-Sköld, J Norrman, J Patrício, R Mirzanamadi
https://vti.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1712788/FULLTEXT01.pdf, 2022
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