Kenneth Hoffman
Kenneth Hoffman
professor Emeritus, Physics Department, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo
在 calpoly.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
New evidence on the earliest human presence at high northern latitudes in northeast Asia
RX Zhu, R Potts, F Xie, KA Hoffman, CL Deng, CD Shi, YX Pan, HQ Wang, ...
nature 431 (7008), 559-562, 2004
Earliest presence of humans in northeast Asia
RX Zhu, KA Hoffman, R Potts, CL Deng, YX Pan, B Guo, CD Shi, ZT Guo, ...
nature 413 (6854), 413-417, 2001
Magnetostratigraphic dating of early humans in China
R Zhu, Z An, R Potts, KA Hoffman
Earth-Science Reviews 61 (3-4), 341-359, 2003
Dating transitionally magnetized lavas of the late Matuyama Chron: Toward a new 40Ar/39Ar timescale of reversals and events
BS Singer, KA Hoffman, A Chauvin, RS Coe, MS Pringle
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B1), 679-693, 1999
Dipolar reversal states of the geomagnetic field and core–mantle dynamics
KA Hoffman
Nature 359 (6398), 789-794, 1992
Ar/Ar ages from transitionally magnetized lavas on La Palma, Canary Islands, and the geomagnetic instability timescale
BS Singer, MK Relle, KA Hoffman, A Battle, C Laj, H Guillou, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 107 (B11), EPM 7-1-EPM 7-20, 2002
Paleomagnetic records of geomagnetic field reversals and the morphology of the transitional fields
M Fuller, I Williams, KA Hoffman
Reviews of Geophysics 17 (2), 179-203, 1979
Separation of multi-component NRM: a general method
KA Hoffman, R Day
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 40 (3), 433-438, 1978
Structural and temporal requirements for geomagnetic field reversal deduced from lava flows
BS Singer, KA Hoffman, RS Coe, LL Brown, BR Jicha, MS Pringle, ...
Nature 434 (7033), 633-636, 2005
Polarity transition records and the geomagnetic dynamo
KA Hoffman
Science 196 (4296), 1329-1332, 1977
Long-lived transitional states of the geomagnetic field and the two dynamo families
KA Hoffman
Nature 354 (6351), 273-277, 1991
Transitional field configurations and geomagnetic reversal
KA Hoffman, M Fuller
Nature 273 (5665), 715-718, 1978
Evidence for weak geomagnetic field intensity prior to the Cretaceous normal superchron
R Zhu, KA Hoffman, Y Pan, R Shi, D Li
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 136 (3-4), 187-199, 2003
Geomagnetic paleointensity and direct age determination of the ISEA (M0r?) chron
R Zhu, KA Hoffman, S Nomade, PR Renne, R Shi, Y Pan, G Shi
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 217 (3-4), 285-295, 2004
Palaeomagnetic excursions, aborted reversals and transitional fields
KA Hoffman
Nature 294 (5836), 67-69, 1981
Behavior of the geodynamo during reversal: A phenomenological model
KA Hoffman
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 44 (1), 7-17, 1979
Self‐reversal of thermoremanent magnetization in the ilmenite‐hematite system: Order‐disorder, symmetry, and spin alignment
KA Hoffman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 97 (B7), 10883-10895, 1992
Testing the accuracy of the geomagnetic polarity time-scale (GPTS) at 2–5 Ma, utilizing40Ar/39Ar incremental heating data on whole-rock basalts
AK Baksi, KA Hoffman, M McWilliams
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 118 (1-4), 135-144, 1993
A method for the display and analysis of transitional paleomagnetic data
KA Hoffman
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 89 (B7), 6285-6292, 1984
The mechanism of self-reversal of thermoremanence in natural hemoilmenite crystals: new experimental data and model
M Prévot, KA Hoffman, A Goguitchaichvili, JC Doukhan, V Shcherbakov, ...
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 126 (1-2), 75-92, 2001
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