Ioannis Costas Batlle
Attachment theory, neoliberalism, and social conscience.
S Carr, IC Batlle
Journal of theoretical and philosophical psychology 35 (3), 160, 2015
‘I just can’t bear these procedures, I just want to be out there working with children’: an autoethnography on neoliberalism and youth sports charities in the UK
I Costas Batlle, S Carr, C Brown
Sport, Education and Society 23 (9), 853-865, 2018
Non-formal education, personhood and the corrosive power of neoliberalism
I Costas Batlle
Cambridge Journal of Education 49 (4), 417-434, 2019
Introduction to the special issue: a conceptual framework for researching the risks to early leaving
C Brown, PO Rueda, IC Batlle, JG Sallán
Journal of Education and Work 34 (7-8), 723-739, 2021
Trust and relationships in qualitative research: a critical reflection on how we can value time
IC Batlle, S Carr
Temporality in Qualitative Inquiry, 158-171, 2021
Temporality in qualitative inquiry: Theories, methods and practices
BC Clift, J Gore, S Gustafsson, S Bekker, IC Batlle, J Hatchard
Routledge, 2021
Primary school headteacher recruitment and selection in England: The processes and the problematic aspects
C James, S Fitzgerald, T Fellows, J Goodall, IC Batlle, J Jones
School Leadership & Management 39 (5), 478-495, 2019
Qualitative Researcher Vulnerability
BC Clift, IC Batlle, S Bekker, K Chudzikowski
Routledge, doi 10, 9781003349266, 2023
Introduction: Of time and qualitative research
J Gore, BC Clift, S Gustafsson, S Bekker, IC Batlle, J Hatchard
Temporality in qualitative inquiry, 1-21, 2021
A multi-stakeholder analysis of the risks to early school leaving: comparing young peoples’ and educators’ perspectives on five categories of risk
C Brown, A Douthwaite, I Costas Batlle, N Savvides
Journal of Youth Studies 27 (3), 414-438, 2024
Five mechanisms for tackling the risks to NEEThood: introducing a pathway to change to guide educators’ support strategies
C Brown, A Douthwaite, N Savvides, I Costas Batlle
International Journal of Adolescence and Youth 27 (1), 457-474, 2022
Myths, methods, and messiness: Insights for qualitative research analysis: Edited proceedings of 5th annual qualitative research symposium
B Clift, J Gore, S Bekker, IC Batlle, K Chudzikowski, J Hatchard
Qualitative Research Symposium, 2019
Re-shaping personhood through neoliberal governmentality: non-formal education, charities, and youth sport programmes
I Costas Batlle
University of Bath, 2017
Exploring Sport as a Site for Children's Relational and Socio-Psychological Development
IC Batlle, S Carr, C Brown
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 191, 1069-1076, 2015
Theme 7–Slow Down: Relationship Building and Slow Research in Settings for Non-formal Learning
I Costas Batlle, L Mazzoli Smith, R Cheung Judge
Repositioning out-of-school learning: methodological challenges and …, 2022
Comparing early leaving across Spain and England: Variation and commonality across two nations of high and low relative early leaving rates
C Brown, A Díaz-Vicario, I Costas Batlle, JL Muñoz Moreno
Journal of Education and Work 34 (7-8), 740-764, 2021
Developing social and emotional skills
M Donnelly, C Brown, IC Batlle, A Sandoval-Hernández
Education policy and practice in the UK home nations. https://bit. ly/3i4ro1H, 2020
Developing Social and Emotional Skills: Education policy and practice in the UK home nations
M Donnelly, C Brown, IC Batlle, A Sandoval-Hernández
Nesta, 2020
Re-shaping personhood through neoliberal governmentality: Non-formal education, charities, and youth sport programmes
IC Batlle
University of Bath, 2017
It’s not what sport children play, but how they play it that matters
IC Batlle
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