Valentina Caiola
Valentina Caiola
Research Fellow | IEX Lab | Politecnico di Milano
在 polimi.it 的电子邮件经过验证
Audiovisual sonifications. A design map for multisensory integration in data representation
V Caiola, S Lenzi, D Ricco
Proceedings DRS2022, 1-19, 2022
How could people and communities contribute to the energy transition? Conceptual maps to inform, orient, and inspire design actions and education
M Pillan, F Costa, V Caiola
Sustainability 15 (19), 14600, 2023
Designing integrated physical–digital systems for children–nature interaction
V Caiola, E Cusumano, M Motta, L Piro, M Gelsomini, D Morra, M Rizvi, ...
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 36, 100582, 2023
Open Your Ears and Take a Look: A State‐of‐the‐Art Report on the Integration of Sonification and Visualization
K Enge, E Elmquist, V Caiola, N Rönnberg, A Rind, M Iber, S Lenzi, F Lan, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 43 (3), e15114, 2024
Remote cultural events: Investigating the usefulness of live streaming for creating cultural and social engagement in communities of older adults
V Caiola, E Moreira Kares, M Pillan, D Spallazzo, A Tuomi
Sustainability 15 (13), 10594, 2023
Integrating Sonification and Visualization–But Why?
A Rind, K Enge, M Iber, N Rönnberg, S Lenzi, E Elmquist, V Caiola, F Lan, ...
EuroVis 2024, 2024
A cross-sensory Map. Analysis between Visual and Auditory Correspondences in Audiovisual Sonification
V Caiola, D Riccò, S Lenzi
Actas del VII Congreso Internacional de Sinestesia: Ciencia y Arte. El Reto …, 2022
Going to the opera online: Older adults’ ideas for a positive user experience
A Tuomi, E Moreira Kares, D Spallazo, M Pillan, V Caiola, M Marzola
Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu, 2022
Ekō: a Smart Toy for Fun and Active Learning during Outdoor Experiences
E Cusumanoa, G Fumagallia, L Piroa, M Mottaa, V Caiolaa
Sonificazioni audiovisive. Analisi fenomenologica delle corrispondenze sensoriali per la costruzione dei codici di percezione acustica
V Caiola
Designing Integrated Product-Service Systems for Children-Nature Interaction
V Caiola, E Cusumano, M Motta, L Piro, M Gelsomini, D Morra, M Rizvi
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