Dhananjay Anand
Dhananjay Anand
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Industrial communication technology handbook
R Zurawski
CRC press, 2014
A cybersecurity testbed for industrial control systems
R Candell, K Stouffer, D Anand
Proceedings of the 2014 Process Control and Safety Symposium, 1-16, 2014
Timing challenges in the smart grid
J Allnutt, D Anand, D Arnold, A Goldstein, YS Li-Baboud, A Martin, ...
NIST Special Publication 1500 (08), 2017
A hierarchical incentive arbitration scheme for coordinated pev charging stations
DM Anand, RT de Salis, Y Cheng, J Moyne, DM Tilbury
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (4), 1775-1784, 2015
An IEEE 1588 time synchronization testbed for assessing power distribution requirements
J Amelot, J Fletcher, D Anand, C Vasseur, YS Li-Baboud, J Moyne
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2010
A low-cost gps spoofing detector design for internet of things (iot) applications
MT Arafin, D Anand, G Qu
Proceedings of the on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2017, 161-166, 2017
EDA performance and clock synchronization over a wireless network: Analysis, experimentation and application to semiconductor manufacturing
DM Anand, D Sharma, Y Li-Baboud, J Moyne
2009 International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2009
Performance evaluation of wireless networks for factory automation applications
DM Anand, JR Moyne, DM Tilbury
2009 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2009
Improved sensor fault detection, isolation, and mitigation using multiple observers approach
Z Wang, DM Anand, J Moyne, DM Tilbury
Systems Science & Control Engineering 5 (1), 70-96, 2017
Hierarchical, grid-aware, and economically optimal coordination of distributed energy resources in realistic distribution systems
M Almassalkhi, S Brahma, N Nazir, H Ossareh, P Racherla, S Kundu, ...
Energies 13 (23), 6399, 2020
PMU data quality: A framework for the attributes of PMU data quality and a methodology for examining data quality impacts to synchrophasor applications
LE Miller, A Silverstein, D Anand, A Goldstein, Y Makarov, F Tuffner, ...
NASPI: Washington, DC, USA, 1-77, 2017
Summary report on NIST smart grid testbeds and collaborations workshops
A Gopstein, AR Goldstein, D Anand, PA Boynton
Avi Gopstein, Allen R. Goldstein, Dhananjay Anand, Paul A. Boynton, 2021
An IEEE 1588 performance testing dashboard for power industry requirements
J Amelot, YS Li-Baboud, C Vasseur, J Fletcher, D Anand, J Moyne
2011 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2011
Use of traveling wave signatures in medium-voltage distribution systems for fault detection and location
K Prabakar, A Singh, M Reynolds, M Lunacek, L Monzon, YN Velaga, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2021
Compositional models for power systems
JS Nolan, BS Pollard, S Breiner, D Anand, E Subrahmanian
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.06833, 2020
PMU data quality: A framework for the attributes of PMU data quality and quality impacts to synchrophasor applications
Multicast delayed authentication for streaming synchrophasor data in the smart grid
S Câmara, D Anand, V Pillitteri, L Carmo
ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection: 31st IFIP TC 11 International …, 2016
A practical implementation of distributed system control over an asynchronous Ethernet network using time stamped data
DM Anand, JG Fletcher, Y Li-Baboud, J Moyne
2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2010
Semiconductor manufacturing equipment data acquisition simulation for timing performance analysis
YS Li-Baboud, X Zhu, D Anand, S Hussaini, J Moyne
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2008
A calibration of timing accuracy in NIST cyber-physical systems testbed
M Weiss, YS Li-Baboud, D Anand, P Boynton, KG Brady, M Burns
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for …, 2018
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