Konstantin K. Komarov
Konstantin K. Komarov
在 uzh.ch 的电子邮件经过验证
London penetration depth in the ensemble of spin polarons of cuprate superconductors
DM Dzebisashvili, KK Komarov
The European Physical Journal B 91, 1-15, 2018
Accurate spin–orbit coupling by relativistic mixed-reference spin-flip-tddft
K Komarov, W Park, S Lee, T Zeng, CH Choi
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (3), 953-964, 2023
Effective indirect multi-site spin–spin interactions in the s–d (f) model
KK Komarov, DM Dzebisashvili
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 440, 57-59, 2017
Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory: Multireference Advantages with the Practicality of Linear Response Theory
W Park, K Komarov, S Lee, CH Choi
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14 (39), 8896-8908, 2023
Doubly Tuned Exchange–Correlation Functionals for Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
K Komarov, W Park, S Lee, M Huix-Rotllant, CH Choi
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (21), 7671-7684, 2023
Effect of Coulomb repulsion on the London penetration depth in cuprate superconductors
KK Komarov, DM Dzebisashvili
Physica Scripta 95 (6), 065806, 2020
High-performance strategies for the recent MRSF-TDDFT in GAMESS
K Komarov, V Mironov, S Lee, BQ Pham, MS Gordon, CH Choi
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158 (19), 2023
Strong Spin–Charge Coupling and Its Manifestation in the Quasiparticle Structure, Cooper Instability, and Electromagnetic Properties of Cuprates
VV Val’kov, DM Dzembisashvili, MM Korovushkin, KK Komarov, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 128, 885-898, 2019
Toward Consistent Predictions of Core/Valence Ionization Potentials and Valence Excitation Energies by MRSF-TDDFT
W Park, A Lashkaripour, K Komarov, S Lee, M Huix-Rotllant, CH Choi
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2024
Accurate Spin-Orbit Coupling and Intersystem Crossing by Relativistic Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip (MRSF)-TDDFT
K Komarov, W Park, S Lee, T Zeng, CH Choi
The Origin of an Inflection Point on the Temperature Dependence of the London Penetration Depth in Hole-Doped Cuprate High-Temperature Superconductors
KK Komarov, DM Dzebisashvili
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 133, 351-359, 2021
Лондоновская глубина проникновения в ансамбле спин-поляронных квазичастиц купратных сверхпроводников
КК Комаров, ДМ Дзебисашвили
Физика. Технологии. Инновации. Тезисы докладов (ФТИ-2018), 86-87, 2018
Трехспиновый полярон как элементарное возбуждение купратных высокотемпературных сверхпроводников
КК Комаров, ДМ Дзебисашвили
Актуальные проблемы авиации и космонавтики 1 (9), 129-130, 2013
Supporting Information Accurate Spin-Orbit Coupling and Intersystem Crossing by Relativistic Mixed-Reference Spin-Flip (MRSF)-TDDFT
K Komarov, W Park, S Lee, T Zeng, CH Choi
文章 1–14