Hélène Pilorgé
Hélène Pilorgé
Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania
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An overview of the status and challenges of CO2 storage in minerals and geological formations
P Kelemen, SM Benson, H Pilorgé, P Psarras, J Wilcox
Frontiers in Climate 1, 482595, 2019
Cost Analysis of Direct Air Capture and Sequestration Coupled to Low-Carbon Thermal Energy in the United States
N McQueen, P Psarras, H Pilorgé, S Liguori, J He, M Yuan, CM Woodall, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (12), 7542-7551, 2020
Cost Analysis of Direct Air Capture and Sequestration Coupled to Low-Carbon Thermal Energy in the United States
N McQueen, P Psarras, H Pilorgé, S Liguori, J He, M Yuan, CM Woodall, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (12), 7542-7551, 2020
Getting to neutral: Options for negative carbon emissions in California
SE Baker, JK Stolaroff, G Peridas, SH Pang, HM Goldstein, FR Lucci, W Li, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Lab.(LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States); Univ …, 2020
Utilization of mineral carbonation products: current state and potential
CM Woodall, N McQueen, H Pilorgé, J Wilcox
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 9 (6), 1096-1113, 2019
Cost Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration of Process Emissions from the US Industrial Sector
H Pilorgé, N McQueen, D Maynard, P Psarras, J He, T Rufael, J Wilcox
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (12), 7524-7532, 2020
Cost Analysis of Carbon Capture and Sequestration from US Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants
P Psarras, J He, H Pilorgé, N McQueen, A Jensen-Fellows, K Kian, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 54 (10), 6272-6280, 2020
Current state of industrial heating and opportunities for decarbonization
M Pisciotta, H Pilorge, J Feldmann, R Jacobson, J Davids, S Swett, ...
Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 91, 100982, 2022
The cost of direct air capture and storage can be reduced via strategic deployment but is unlikely to fall below stated cost targets
J Young, N McQueen, C Charalambous, S Foteinis, O Hawrot, M Ojeda, ...
One Earth 6 (7), 899-917, 2023
Porosity of metamorphic rocks and fluid migration within subduction interfaces
AC Ganzhorn, H Pilorgé, B Reynard
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 522, 107-117, 2019
Prospects of CO2 capture via 13X for low-carbon hydrogen production using a Pd-based metallic membrane reactor
K Kian, S Liguori, H Pilorgé, JM Crawford, MA Carreon, JL Martin, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 407, 127224, 2021
Global Mapping of CDR Opportunities
H Pilorgé, B Kolosz, GC Wu, J Freeman
CDR Primer. cdrprimer. org/read, 2021
The cost of direct air capture and storage: the impact of technological learning, regional diversity, and policy.
J Young, N McQueen, C Charalambous, S Foteinis, O Hawrot, M Ojeda, ...
D/H diffusion in serpentine
H Pilorgé, B Reynard, L Remusat, S Le Floch, G Montagnac, H Cardon
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 211, 355-372, 2017
Technological Pathways for Decarbonizing Petroleum Refining
Z Byrum, H Pilorgé, J Wilcox
World Resources Institute: Washington, DC, USA, 2021
Deuterium‑hydrogen inter-diffusion in chlorite
AC Ganzhorn, H Pilorgé, S Le Floch, G Montagnac, H Cardon, B Reynard
Chemical Geology 493, 518-524, 2018
Roads to removal: options for carbon dioxide removal in the United States
J Pett-Ridge, S Kuebbing, AC Mayer, S Hovorka, H Pilorgé, SE Baker, ...
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Livermore, CA (United States), 2023
Combining geothermal potential and direct air capture for negative emission power generation in California
H Pilorgé, P Psarras, J He, JL Wilcox
Geothermal Resources Council 2019 Annual Meeting-Geothermal: Green Energy …, 2019
Opportunities for cement decarbonization
M Pisciotta, H Pilorgé, J Davids, P Psarras
Cleaner Engineering and Technology 15, 100667, 2023
Direct Air Capture: Assessing Impacts to Enable Responsible Scaling
K Lebling, H Leslie-Bole, P Psarras, E Bridgwater, Z Byrum, H Pilorgé
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