Anna Grigolon
Anna Grigolon
Assistant Professor - University of Twente
在 utwente.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
Measuring transit-oriented development (TOD) network complementarity based on TOD node typology
R Huang, A Grigolon, M Madureira, M Brussel
Journal of transport and land use 11 (1), 305-324, 2018
Vacation length choice: A dynamic mixed multinomial logit model
AB Grigolon, AWJ Borgers, ADAM Kemperman, HJP Timmermans
Tourism Management 41, 158-167, 2014
The influence of low-fare airlines on vacation choices of students: Results of a stated portfolio choice experiment
AB Grigolon, ADAM Kemperman, HJP Timmermans
Tourism Management 33 (5), 1174-1184, 2012
Exploring heterogeneity in travel time expenditure of aging populations in the Netherlands: results of a CHAID analysis
D Yang, H Timmermans, A Grigolon
Journal of Transport Geography 33, 170-179, 2013
Facet-based analysis of vacation planning processes: a binary mixed logit panel model
A Grigolon, A Kemperman, H Timmermans
Journal of Travel Research 52 (2), 192-201, 2013
Binomial random parameters logistic regression model of housing satisfaction
A Grigolon, G Dane, S Rasouli, H Timmermans
Procedia environmental sciences 22, 280-287, 2014
Determining the potential for Transit Oriented Development along the MRT Jakarta corridor
W Budiati, AB Grigolon, MJG Brussel, SY Rachmat
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 158 (1), 012020, 2018
Understanding cycling travel distance: The case of Medellin city (Colombia)
JP Ospina, V Botero-Fernández, JC Duque, M Brussel, A Grigolon
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 86, 102423, 2020
Mixed multinomial logit model for out-of-home leisure activity choice
AB Grigolon, ADAM Kemperman, HJP Timmermans
Transportation research record 2343 (1), 10-16, 2013
Developing a bikeability index in the context of transit-oriented development (TOD)
K Hartanto, A Grigolon, M Maarseveen, M Brussel
15th International Conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban …, 2017
UNESCO to blame: Reality or easy escape?
AP Roders, AB Grigolon
International journal of architectural research 9 (1), 50-66, 2015
Ridership and the built-form indicators: a study from Ahmedabad Janmarg Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS)
MR Islam, M Brussel, A Grigolon, T Munshi
Urban Science 2 (4), 95, 2018
Student’s vacation travel: A reference dependent model of airline fares preferences
AB Grigolon, ADAM Kemperman, HJP Timmermans
Journal of Air Transport Management 18 (1), 38-42, 2012
Evaluating TOD in the context of local area planning using mixed-methods
R Maheshwari, A Grigolon, M Brussel
Case studies on transport policy 10 (2), 1015-1025, 2022
The Smarthubs integration ladder: a conceptual model for the categorisation of shared mobility hubs
K Geurs, A Grigolon, K Münzel, K Gkiotsalitis, D Duran-Rodas, B Büttner, ...
Transport Reviews 44 (1), 112-139, 2024
Exploring interdependencies in students’ vacation portfolios using association rules
A Grigolon, A Kemperman, H Timmermans
European Journal of Tourism Research 5 (2), 93-105, 2012
A multidimensional mobility hub typology and inventory
K Geurs, K Münzel, K Gkiotsalitis, A Grigolon, B Buttner, D Duran, ...
SmartHubs Deliverable D 2, 2022
Determinants of residential mobility intentions: A mixed binary logit model
GZ Dane, AB Griglon, S Rasouli, H Timmermans
The 19th international conference of Hong Kong society for transportation …, 2014
A multidimensional mobility hub typology and inventory. SmartHubs Deliverable D 2.1
K Geurs, K Münzel, D Duran, R Gkavra, A Graf, A Grigolon, J Hansel, ...
Medidas para a promoção da bicicleta em São Paulo: uma análise Multicritério e Multiatores
H de Freitas Miranda, ANR Da Silva, KT Geurs, AB Grigolon
Transportes 29 (1), 194-210, 2021
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