Youhi Morii
Youhi Morii
在 tohoku.ac.jp 的电子邮件经过验证
Updated kinetic mechanism for high-pressure hydrogen combustion
K Shimizu, A Hibi, M Koshi, Y Morii, N Tsuboi
Journal of Propulsion and Power 27 (2), 383-395, 2011
ERENA: A fast and robust Jacobian-free integration method for ordinary differential equations of chemical kinetics
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu, E Shima
Journal of Computational Physics 322, 547-558, 2016
Numerical study of the effect of obstacles on the spontaneous ignition of high-pressure hydrogen
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu
Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 34, 92-99, 2015
Two-dimensional numerical simulation on galloping detonation in a narrow channel
N Tsuboi, Y Morii, AK Hayashi
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (2), 1999-2007, 2013
Study on behavior of methane/oxygen gas detonation near propagation limit in small diameter tube: effect of tube diameter
K Yoshida, K Hayashi, Y Morii, K Murakami, N Tsuboi, AK Hayashi
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (11-12), 2012-2025, 2016
Numerical analyses on ethylene/oxygen detonation with multistep chemical reaction mechanisms: Grid resolution and chemical reaction model
T Araki, K Yoshida, Y Morii, N Tsuboi, AK Hayashi
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (3), 346-369, 2016
Two-dimensional laboratory-scale DNS for knocking experiment using n-heptane at engine-like condition
Y Morii, AK Dubey, H Nakamura, K Maruta
Combustion and Flame 223, 330-336, 2020
Fast and robust time integration method for stiff chemical kinetic ODEs
Y Morii, H Terashima, M Koshi, T Shimizu
50th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 3920, 2014
金子成彦, 草鹿仁, 高林徹, 溝渕泰寛, 南部太介, 尾形陽一, 高木正英, ...
東京, コロナ社, 2019
2D computations of FREI with cool flames for n-heptane/air mixture
K Akita, Y Morii, H Nakamura, T Tezuka, K Maruta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2247-2255, 2021
A robust multi-time scale method for stiff combustion chemistry
H Terashima, Y Morii, M Koshi
International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion 14 (3), 2015
Dynamics of ball-like flames in extremely low-speed counterflow field in near-lean limit low-Lewis number mixture
T Akiba, T Okuno, H Nakamura, Y Morii, T Tezuka, R Fursenko, ...
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 1965-1972, 2021
Optimization of one-parameter family of integration formulae for solving stiff chemical-kinetic ODEs
Y Morii, E Shima
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 21330, 2020
Numerical simulations on propane/oxygen detonation in a narrow channel using a detailed chemical mechanism: formation and detailed structure of irregular cells
N Takeshima, K Ozawa, N Tsuboi, AK Hayashi, Y Morii
Shock Waves 30, 809-824, 2020
Dynamics of FREI with/without cool flame interaction
K Akita, Y Morii, Y Murakami, H Nakamura, T Tezuka, K Maruta
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 39 (2), 1957-1965, 2023
Large Eddy Simulation and Analysis of Cycle-by-Cycle Variations in a Spark Ignition Gasoline Engine
T Kaminaga, A Kikusato, B Zhou, Y Morii, T Yamada, T Takabayashi, ...
Transactions of Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 50 (1), 2019
Numerical Study on Direct Initiation of Cylindrical Detonation in H2/O2 Mixtures: Effect of Higher-Order Schemes on Detonation Propagation
T Niibo, Y Morii, M Ashahara, N Tsuboi, AK Hayashi
Combustion Science and Technology 188 (11-12), 2044-2059, 2016
Dense core response to forced acoustic fields in oxygen-hydrogen rocket flames
Y Morii, S Beinke, J Hardi, T Shimizu, H Kawashima, M Oschwald
Propulsion and Power Research 9 (3), 197-215, 2020
Ignition experiments by nanosecond repetitively pulsed discharges in intense turbulence for super lean burn at engine condition
U Kodai, M Youhi, M Taichi, T Takuya, H Susumu, N Hisashi, T Hidemasa, ...
Society of Automotive Engineers technical paper series, 2019
Oscillating propagation of near-limit detonations of CH4/O2 system in a small diameter tubes
A Susa, S Hasegawa, H Yokoyama, T Endo, Y Ogawa, Y Morii, N Tsuboi
Proceedings of the 23rd ICDERS, 2011
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