Shabana Khan
Shabana Khan
Indian Research Academy; Global Young Academy; World Social Science Fellow (RIA) ISSC
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Vulnerability assessments and their planning implications: a case study of the Hutt Valley, New Zealand
S Khan
Natural Hazards 64, 1587-1607, 2012
Progressive climate change and disasters: island perspectives
I Kelman, S Khan
Natural Hazards 69, 1131-1136, 2013
Risk communication and community engagement during COVID-19
S Khan, J Mishra, N Ahmed, CD Onyige, KE Lin, R Siew, BH Lim
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 74, 102903, 2022
Disasters: contributions of hazardscape and gaps in response practices
S Khan
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 12 (12), 3775-3787, 2012
Rethinking communication in risk interpretation and action
S Khan, JL Mishra, EEH Lin, KHE, Doyle
Natural Hazards, 1-18, 2017
Influences of place characteristics on hazards, perception and response: a case study of the hazardscape of the Wellington Region, New Zealand
S Khan, MJ Crozier, D Kennedy
Natural Hazards 62, 501-529, 2012
Viewpoint paper. Islander mobilities: any change from climate change?
I Kelman, R Stojanov, S Khan, OA Gila, B Duží, D Vikhrov
International Journal of Global Warming 8 (4), 584-602, 2015
The dynamism of post-disaster risk communication: A cross-country synthesis.
D Lin, K. H. E., Khan, S., Acosta, L., Alaniz, R., and Olanya
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction., 2020
‘Hazardscape’: A Holistic Approach to Assess Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises
S Khan, MJ Crozier
Annual Summer Academy on Social Vulnerability:“Tip ping Points in …, 2009
Progressive climate change and disasters: connections and metrics
S Khan, I Kelman
Natural hazards 61 (3), 1477-1481, 2012
Progressive climate change and disasters: communicating uncertainty
S Khan, I Kelman
Natural hazards 61 (2), 873-877, 2012
Critical gaps and implications of risk communication in the global agreements—SFDRR, SDGs, and UNFCCC: 3 select case studies from urban areas of tropics in South Asia
S Khan, J Mishra
Natural Hazards, 2022
11. Linking Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: comparing experiences from developed and developing countries
R Djalante, SR Halder, F Mulyasari, S Khan
Publication Series of UNU-EHS No. 14/2010, 102, 2010
Scenario building as a process and tool in urban governance
S Khan, L Miranda Sara, J Sydenstricker-Neto, C Sutherland, M Hordijk
Geographies of Urban Governance: Advanced Theories, Methods and Practices …, 2015
Reporting on the Seminar-Risk interpretation and action (RIA): Decision making under conditions of uncertainty
EEH Doyle, S Khan, C Adler, RC Alaniz, S Athayde, KH Lin, W Saunders, ...
Tracking a moving target of migration: island perspectives
I Kelman, S Khan
Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal 21 (5), 634-639, 2012
Living in a Hazardscape: A Study of Hazards and Response in the Wellington Region, New Zealand
S Khan
Towards sustainability: managing integrated issues of the Brown and the Green agenda in water governance and Hazard mitigation
S Khan
Policy Brief. http://chance2sustain. eu/67.0. html, 2014
A Review of “Disaster Diplomacy: How Disasters Affect Peace and Conflict” Ilan Kelman. London and New York: Routledge, 2011. vii and 174 pp., tables, bibliography, and index …
S Khan
The Professional Geographer 64 (3), 465-466, 2012
Introducing a “Hot System” Approach to Tipping Points in Humanitarian Crises
L Stacy, M Garschagen, S Khan, et al.
Publication Series of UNU-EHS No. 13/2010, 14-21, 2010
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