Sabrina Oussaada
Sabrina Oussaada
MD, PhD candidate
在 amsterdamumc.nl 的电子邮件经过验证
The pathogenesis of obesity
SM Oussaada, KA Van Galen, MI Cooiman, L Kleinendorst, EJ Hazebroek, ...
Metabolism 92, 26-36, 2019
Walnut consumption increases activation of the insula to highly desirable food cues: A randomized, double‐blind, placebo‐controlled, cross‐over fMRI study
OM Farr, D Tuccinardi, J Upadhyay, SM Oussaada, CS Mantzoros
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 20 (1), 173-177, 2018
Mechanisms underlying the cardiometabolic protective effect of walnut consumption in obese people: A cross‐over, randomized, double‐blind, controlled inpatient physiology study
D Tuccinardi, OM Farr, J Upadhyay, SM Oussaada, MI Klapa, M Candela, ...
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (9), 2086-2095, 2019
Lorcaserin treatment decreases body weight and reduces cardiometabolic risk factors in obese adults: a six‐month, randomized, placebo‐controlled, double‐blind clinical trial
D Tuccinardi, OM Farr, J Upadhyay, SM Oussaada, H Mathew, ...
Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism 21 (6), 1487-1492, 2019
Bariatric surgery for monogenic non-syndromic and syndromic obesity disorders
N Vos, SM Oussaada, MI Cooiman, L Kleinendorst, KW Ter Horst, ...
Current diabetes reports 20, 1-10, 2020
The water deprivation test and a potential role for the arginine vasopressin precursor copeptin to differentiate diabetes insipidus from primary polydipsia
M de Fost, SM Oussaada, E Endert, GE Linthorst, MJ Serlie, MR Soeters, ...
Endocrine Connections 4 (2), 86-91, 2015
Overweight and obesity are associated with acute kidney injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome, but not with increased mortality in hospitalized COVID-19 patients: a …
J van Son, SM Oussaada, A Şekercan, M Beudel, DA Dongelmans, ...
Frontiers in Endocrinology 12, 747732, 2021
Pcpe2, a novel extracellular matrix protein, regulates adipocyte SR-BI–mediated high-density lipoprotein uptake
H Xu, MJ Thomas, S Kaul, R Kallinger, AB Ouweneel, E Maruko, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 41 (11), 2708-2725, 2021
The pathogenesis of obesity. Metabolism [Internet]. 2019; 92: 26–36
SM Oussaada, KA van Galen, MI Cooiman, L Kleinendorst, EJ Hazebroek, ...
Tissue-specific inflammation and insulin sensitivity in subjects with obesity
SM Oussaada, M Kilicarslan, BA de Weijer, PW Gilijamse, A Şekercan, ...
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 211, 111663, 2024
Beyond the scale: Exploring novel treatment strategies and health impacts of obesity
SM Oussaada
Hyponatriëmie, een schokkend voorval
SM Oussaada, MJS Oosterveld, EA Hendrix
Praktische Pediatrie, 2016
文章 1–12