Spectral Collaborative Representation based Classification for hand gestures recognition on electromyography signals
A Boyali, N Hashimoto
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 24, 11-18, 2016
Deep learning-based fast hand gesture recognition using representative frames
V John, A Boyali, S Mita, M Imanishi, N Sanma
2016 International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and …, 2016
Real-time controller design for a parallel hybrid electric vehicle using neuro-dynamic programming method
A Boyali, L Güvenç
2010 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 4318-4324, 2010
Hand posture and gesture recognition using MYO armband and spectral collaborative representation based classification
A Boyali, N Hashimoto, O Matsumoto
2015 IEEE 4th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE), 200-201, 2015
Modeling and control of a four wheel drive parallel hybrid electric vehicle
A Boyali, M Demirci, T Acarman, L Guvenc, O Tur, H Uçarol, B Kiray, ...
2006 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control System Design, 2006 IEEE …, 2006
A robust gesture recognition algorithm based on sparse representation, random projections and compressed sensing
A Boyali, M Kavakli
2012 7th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA …, 2012
Hibrid elektrikli yol taşıtlarının modellenmesi ve kontrolü
A Boyalı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008
Real-time hand posture and gesture-based touchless automotive user interface using deep learning
V John, M Umetsu, A Boyali, S Mita, M Imanishi, N Sanma, S Shibata
2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 869-874, 2017
Smartphone-based two-wheeled self-balancing vehicles rider assistant
A Smirnov, A Kashevnik, I Lashkov, N Hashimoto, A Boyali
2015 17th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 201-209, 2015
Hand posture control of a robotic wheelchair using a leap motion sensor and block sparse representation based classification
A Boyali, N Hashimoto, O Matsumato
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices …, 2014
Block-sparse representation classification based gesture recognition approach for a robotic wheelchair
A Boyali, N Hashimoto
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 1133-1138, 2014
A tutorial on autonomous vehicle steering controller design, simulation and implementation
A Boyali, S Mita, V John
arXiv preprint arXiv:1803.03758, 2018
Estimation of steering angle and collision avoidance for automated driving using deep mixture of experts
V John, A Boyali, H Tehrani, K Ishimaru, M Konishi, Z Liu, S Mita
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 3 (4), 571-584, 2018
A signal pattern recognition approach for mobile devices and its application to braking state classification on robotic mobility devices
A Boyali, N Hashimoto, O Matsumoto
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 72, 37-47, 2015
BVTNet: Multi-label multi-class fusion of visible and thermal camera for free space and pedestrian segmentation
V John, A Boyali, S Thompson, S Mita
Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual …, 2021
3d and 6 dof user input platform for computer vision applications and virtual reality
A Boyali, M Kavakli
Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications (INISTA), 2011 …, 2011
Hibrid elektrikli araçların modellenmesi ve kural tabanlı kontrolü
A Boyali, L Güvenç
İTÜDERGİSİ/d 9 (2), 2011
Component sizing in hybrid electric vehicle design using optimization and design of experiments techniques
A Boyalı, T Acarman, L Güvenç
3rd AUTOCOM Workshop on Hybrid Electric Vehicle Modeling and Control, 2007
Real time six degree of freedom pose estimation using infrared light sources and wiimote IR camera with 3D TV demonstration
A Boyali, M Kavakli, J Twamley
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services: 7th …, 2012
A Map-based Lateral and Longitudinal DGPS/DR Bias Estimation Method for Autonomous Driving
VJ S. S. Rathour, Ali Boyali, Lyu Zheming, Seiichi Mita
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 7 (4), 67-71, 2017
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