Waleed Iqbal
Leveraging data science to combat COVID-19: A comprehensive review
S Latif, M Usman, S Manzoor, W Iqbal, J Qadir, G Tyson, I Castro, A Razi, ...
IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence 1 (1), 85-103, 2020
Data-driven artificial intelligence in education: A comprehensive review
K Ahmad, W Iqbal, A El-Hassan, J Qadir, D Benhaddou, M Ayyash, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2023
A bibliometric analysis of publications in computer networking research
W Iqbal, J Qadir, G Tyson, AN Mian, S Hassan, J Crowcroft
Scientometrics 119, 1121-1155, 2019
Securing machine learning in the cloud: A systematic review of cloud machine learning security
A Qayyum, A Ijaz, M Usama, W Iqbal, J Qadir, Y Elkhatib, A Al-Fuqaha
Frontiers in big Data 3, 587139, 2020
A deep dive into COVID-19-related messages on WhatsApp in Pakistan
RT Javed, M Usama, W Iqbal, J Qadir, G Tyson, I Castro, K Garimella
Social Network Analysis and Mining 12, 1-16, 2022
A first look at COVID-19 messages on WhatsApp in Pakistan
RT Javed, ME Shuja, M Usama, J Qadir, W Iqbal, G Tyson, I Castro, ...
2020 IEEE/ACM International conference on advances in social networks …, 2020
Characterising the IETF through the lens of RFC deployment
S McQuistin, M Karan, P Khare, C Perkins, G Tyson, M Purver, P Healey, ...
Proceedings of the 21st ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 137-149, 2021
Exploring crowdsourced content moderation through lens of Reddit during COVID-19
W Iqbal, MH Arshad, G Tyson, I Castro
Proceedings of the 17th Asian internet engineering conference, 26-35, 2022
Experimental study of link quality in IEEE 802.15. 4 using Z1 Motes
AN Mian, SA Alvi, R Khan, M Zulqarnain, W Iqbal
2016 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference …, 2016
Lady and the Tramp Nextdoor: Online Manifestations of Real-World Inequalities in the Nextdoor Social Network
W Iqbal, V Ghafouri, G Tyson, G Suarez-Tangil, I Castro
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media 17 …, 2023
Five decades of the ACM special interest group on data communications (SIGCOMM) a bibliometric perspective
W Iqbal, J Qadir, SU Hassan, RT Javed, AN Mian, J Crowcroft, G Tyson
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 49 (5), 29-37, 2019
Exploring online manifestations of real-world inequalities
W Iqbal, G Tyson, V Ghafouri, G Suarez-Tangil, I Castro
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 762-763, 2022
Bridging Educational Gaps through Volunteers; Implementation, Problems and Their Solutions
T Manzoor, W Iqbal, ET Razia, S Razaq
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Information and …, 2016
How Similar Are Elected Politicians and Their Constituents? Quantitative Evidence From Online Social Networks
W Iqbal, G Tyson, I Castro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.03255, 2024
Lady and the Tramp Nextdoor: Online Manifestations of Real-World Inequalities in the Nextdoor Social Network [Póster]
W Iqbal, V Ghafouri, G Tyson, G Suarez Tangil, I Castro
Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad (JNIC)(9ª. 2024 …, 2024
Poster: Characterising the IETF Through the Lens of RFC Deployment
S McQuistin, M Karan, P Khare, C Perkins, G Tyson, M Purver, P Healey, ...
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