Cheng Gong
A typical weather pattern for ozone pollution events in North China
C Gong, H Liao
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 19 (22), 13725-13740, 2019
Persistent ozone pollution episodes in North China exacerbated by regional transport
C Gong, H Liao, L Zhang, X Yue, R Dang, Y Yang
Environmental pollution 265, 115056, 2020
Impact of western Pacific subtropical high on ozone pollution over eastern China
Z Jiang, J Li, X Lu, C Gong, L Zhang, H Liao
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (4), 2601-2613, 2021
Impacts of Ozone‐Vegetation Interactions on Ozone Pollution Episodes in North China and the Yangtze River Delta
C Gong, H Liao, X Yue, Y Ma, Y Lei
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (12), e2021GL093814, 2021
Ozone–vegetation feedback through dry deposition and isoprene emissions in a global chemistry–carbon–climate model
C Gong, Y Lei, Y Ma, X Yue, H Liao
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20 (6), 3841-3857, 2020
Estimating precipitation susceptibility in warm marine clouds using multi-sensor aerosol and cloud products from A-Train satellites
H Bai, C Gong, M Wang, Z Zhang, T L'Ecuyer
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18 (3), 1763-1783, 2018
Implementation of Yale Interactive terrestrial Biosphere model v1. 0 into GEOS-Chem v12. 0.0: a tool for biosphere–chemistry interactions
Y Lei, X Yue, H Liao, C Gong, L Zhang
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (3), 1137-1153, 2020
Global perspective of drought impacts on ozone pollution episodes
Y Lei, X Yue, H Liao, L Zhang, H Zhou, C Tian, C Gong, Y Ma, Y Cao, ...
Environmental science & technology 56 (7), 3932-3940, 2022
A humidity-based exposure index representing ozone damage effects on vegetation
C Gong, X Yue, H Liao, Y Ma
Environmental Research Letters 16 (4), 044030, 2021
Indirect contributions of global fires to surface ozone through ozone–vegetation feedback
Y Lei, X Yue, H Liao, L Zhang, Y Yang, H Zhou, C Tian, C Gong, Y Ma, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 21 (15), 11531-11543, 2021
Identifying the dominant climate-driven uncertainties in modeling gross primary productivity
Y Ma, X Yue, H Zhou, C Gong, Y Lei, C Tian, Y Cao
Science of The Total Environment 800, 149518, 2021
Future co‐occurrences of hot days and ozone‐polluted days over China under scenarios of shared socioeconomic pathways predicted through a machine‐learning approach
C Gong, Y Wang, H Liao, P Wang, J Jin, Z Han
Earth's Future 10 (6), e2022EF002671, 2022
Deep cut of anthropogenic nitrogen oxides emissions to mitigate ozone vegetation damages in China
M Lu, X Yue, Y Lei, C Gong, Y Cao, C Tian, H Zhou, Y Ma
Atmospheric Environment 293, 119454, 2023
Anthropogenic-driven perturbations on nitrogen cycles and interactions with climate changes
C Gong, S Kou-Giesbrecht, S Zaehle
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 100897, 2024
Trait-based ozone plant sensitivity to assess global vegetation damage risks
Y Ma, X Yue, S Sitch, N Unger, J Uddling, L Mercado, C Gong, Z Feng
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-3823, 2023
Global net climate effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen
C Gong, H Tian, H Liao, N Pan, S Pan, A Ito, AK Jain, S Kou-Giesbrecht, ...
Nature, 1-7, 2024
The Modeled Seasonal Cycles of Surface N2O Fluxes and Atmospheric N2O
Q Sun, F Joos, S Lienert, S Berthet, D Carroll, C Gong, A Ito, AK Jain, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38 (7), e2023GB008010, 2024
Global net cooling effects of anthropogenic reactive nitrogen
C Gong, H Tian, H Liao, N Pan, S Zaehle
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, B11B-08, 2023
Development and evaluation of the interactive Model for Air Pollution and Land Ecosystems (iMAPLE) version 1.0
X Yue, H Zhou, C Tian, Y Ma, Y Hu, C Gong, H Zheng, H Liao
Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2023, 1-46, 2023
The modeled seasonal cycles of land biosphere and ocean N2O fluxes and atmospheric N2O
Q Sun, F Joos, S Lienert, S Berthet, D Carroll, C Gong, A Ito, A Jain, ...
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