Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation: für Human-und Sozialwissenschaftler J Bortz, N Döring Springer-Verlag, 2013 | 18143 | 2013 |
Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation N Döring, J Bortz Wiesbaden: Springerverlag, 2016 | 5256 | 2016 |
Sozialpsychologie des Internet: Die Bedeutung des Internet für Kommunikationsprozesse, Identitäten, soziale Beziehungen und Gruppen N Döring Internet und Psychologie 2, 1999 | 2062 | 1999 |
The Internet’s impact on sexuality: A critical review of 15 years of research NM Döring Computers in Human Behavior 25 (5), 1089-1101, 2009 | 659 | 2009 |
Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation J Bortz, N Döring Springer Berlin, 2003 | 606* | 2003 |
Consensual sexting among adolescents: Risk prevention through abstinence education or safer sexting N Döring Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace 8 (1), 9, 2014 | 577 | 2014 |
Personal home pages on the Web: A review of research N Döring Journal of computer-mediated communication 7 (3), JCMC737, 2002 | 352 | 2002 |
How gender-stereotypical are selfies? A content analysis and comparison with magazine adverts N Döring, A Reif, S Poeschl Computers in Human Behavior 55, 955-962, 2016 | 236 | 2016 |
Kommunikation im Internet: Neun theoretische Ansätze N Döring Internet für Psychologen 2, 345-377, 2000 | 215 | 2000 |
How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting our sexualities? An overview of the current media narratives and research hypotheses N Döring Archives of sexual behavior, 1-14, 2020 | 211 | 2020 |
Datenerhebung N Döring Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial-und Humanwissenschaften, 321-570, 2023 | 203 | 2023 |
Feminist views of cybersex: Victimization, liberation, and empowerment N Döring CyberPsychology & Behavior 3 (5), 863-884, 2000 | 185 | 2000 |
Zur Operationalisierung von Geschlecht im Fragebogen: Probleme und Lösungsansätze aus Sicht von Mess-, Umfrage-, Gender-und Queer-Theorie N Döring GENDER–Zeitschrift für Geschlecht, Kultur und Gesellschaft 5 (2), 17-18, 2013 | 171 | 2013 |
Psychometrische Einsamkeitsforschung: Deutsche Neukonstruktion der UCLA Loneliness Scale. N Döring, J Bortz Diagnostica, 1993 | 171 | 1993 |
Online sexual activity experiences among college students: A four-country comparison N Döring, K Daneback, K Shaughnessy, C Grov, ES Byers Archives of sexual behavior 46, 1641-1652, 2017 | 156 | 2017 |
Sex toys, sex dolls, sex robots: Our under-researched bed-fellows N Döring, S Pöschl Sexologies 27 (3), e51-e55, 2018 | 145 | 2018 |
Robot companion for domestic health assistance: Implementation, test and case study under everyday conditions in private apartments HM Gross, S Mueller, C Schroeter, M Volkhardt, A Scheidig, K Debes, ... 2015 IEEE/RSJ international conference on intelligent robots and systems …, 2015 | 138 | 2015 |
Forschungsmethoden und Evaluation in den Sozial-und Humanwissenschaften [Research methods and evaluation in the social and human sciences] N Döring, J Bortz Springer. https://doi. org/10 1007, 978-3, 2016 | 137* | 2016 |
Images of men and women in mobile phone advertisements: A content analysis of advertisements for mobile communication systems in selected popular magazines N Döring, S Pöschl Sex Roles 55, 173-185, 2006 | 132 | 2006 |
Sozialkontakte online: Identitäten, Beziehungen, Gemeinschaften N Döring Handbuch online-kommunikation, 159-183, 2010 | 130 | 2010 |