Steven E. Mock
Steven E. Mock
在 uwaterloo.ca 的电子邮件经过验证
Stability and change in sexual orientation identity over a 10-year period in adulthood
SE Mock, RP Eibach
Archives of sexual behavior 41, 641-648, 2012
Aging attitudes moderate the effect of subjective age on psychological well-being: evidence from a 10-year longitudinal study.
SE Mock, RP Eibach
Psychology and aging 26 (4), 979, 2011
Capturing the complexity of intergenerational relations: Exploring ambivalence within later‐life families
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor, SE Mock, M Sabir, TB Pardo, J Sechrist
Journal of Social issues 63 (4), 775-791, 2007
Highway to health? Commute time and well-being among Canadian adults
M Hilbrecht, B Smale, SE Mock
World Leisure Journal 56 (2), 151-163, 2014
Having a “senior moment”: Induced aging phenomenology, subjective age, and susceptibility to ageist stereotypes
RP Eibach, SE Mock, EA Courtney
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (4), 643-649, 2010
Childhood trauma and chronic illness in adulthood: mental health and socioeconomic status as explanatory factors and buffers
SE Mock, SM Arai
Frontiers in psychology 1, 246, 2011
Grief after patient death: Direct care staff in nursing homes and homecare
K Boerner, OR Burack, DS Jopp, SE Mock
Journal of pain and symptom management 49 (2), 214-222, 2015
An examination of family caregiver experiences during care transitions of older adults
JL Giosa, P Stolee, SL Dupuis, SE Mock, SM Santi
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 33 (2), 137-153, 2014
Idealizing parenthood to rationalize parental investments
RP Eibach, SE Mock
Psychological Science 22 (2), 203-208, 2011
The vigilant parent: Parental role salience affects parents' risk perceptions, risk-aversion, and trust in strangers
RP Eibach, SE Mock
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (3), 694-697, 2011
Human health and well-being motivations and benefits associated with protected area experiences: An opportunity for transforming policy and management in Canada
CJ Lemieux, PFJ Eagles, DS Slocombe, ST Doherty, SJ Elliott, SE Mock
Parks 18 (1), 71-85, 2012
End-of-life preparations among LGBT older Canadian adults: The missing conversations
B de Vries, G Gutman, Á Humble, J Gahagan, L Chamberland, P Aubert, ...
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 88 (4), 358-379, 2019
Deeper leisure involvement as a coping resource in a stigmatized leisure context
SE Mock, CN Plante, S Reysen, KC Gerbasi
Leisure/Loisir 37 (2), 111-126, 2013
The effects of subjective age and aging attitudes on mid-to late-life sexuality
A Estill, SE Mock, E Schryer, RP Eibach
The Journal of Sex Research 55 (2), 146-151, 2018
Impact of patient suffering on caregiver well-being: the case of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and their caregivers
K Boerner, SE Mock
Psychology, health & medicine 17 (4), 457-466, 2012
Interventions to prevent elder mistreatment
KA Pillemer, KU Mueller-Johnson, SE Mock, JJ Suitor, MS Lachs
Handbook of injury and violence prevention, 241-254, 2007
Understanding the association between time spent caregiving and well-being among employed adults: testing a model of work–life fit and sense of community
M Hilbrecht, DS Lero, E Schryer, SE Mock, B Smale
Community, Work & Family 20 (2), 162-180, 2017
Profiles of interdependence: The retirement planning of married, cohabiting, and lesbian couples
SE Mock, SW Cornelius
Sex roles 56, 793-800, 2007
Marital status and problem gambling among older adults: An examination of social context and social motivations
T Elton-Marshall, R Wijesingha, T Sendzik, SE Mock, M Van Der Maas, ...
Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 37 (3), 318-332, 2018
Sense making and benefit finding among patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and their primary caregivers
S Mock, K Boerner
Journal of Health Psychology 15 (1), 115-121, 2010
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