Source-area determination of elephant ivory by isotopic analysis NJ Van der Merwe, JA Lee-Thorp, JF Thackeray, A Hall-Martin, FJ Kruger, ... Nature 346 (6286), 744-746, 1990 | 277 | 1990 |
An assessment of sources, pathways, mechanisms and risks of current and potential future pollution of water and sediments in gold-mining areas of the wonderfonteinspruit … F Winde, PW Wade Water Research Comission, 2006 | 150 | 2006 |
Correlations between U, Th content and metamorphic grade in the western Namaqualand Belt, South Africa, with implications for radioactive heating of the crust MAG Andreoli, RJ Hart, LD Ashwal, H Coetzee Journal of Petrology 47 (6), 1095-1118, 2006 | 116 | 2006 |
Origin of atmospheric lead in Johannesburg, South Africa F Monna, M Poujol, R Losno, J Dominik, H Annegarn, H Coetzee Atmospheric Environment 40 (34), 6554-6566, 2006 | 69 | 2006 |
Mine water management in the Witwatersrand gold fields with special emphasis on acid mine drainage H Coetzee, PJ Hobbs, JE Burgess, A Thomas, M Keet, B Yibas, ... Report to the inter-ministerial committee on acid mine drainage 146, 2010 | 68 | 2010 |
Water, waste and wildlife: the politics of ecology in South Africa E Koch, D Cooper, H Coetzee Penguin Books, 1990 | 36 | 1990 |
Reliance on existing wetlands for pollution control around the Witwatersrand gold/uranium mines of South Africa-Are they sufficient? H Coetzee, P Wade, F Winde Uranium in the Aquatic Environment: Proceedings of the International …, 2002 | 34 | 2002 |
Radioactivity and the leakage of radioactive waste associated with Witwatersrand gold and uranium mining H Coetzee Merkel, BJ, Hurst S., Löhnert EP & Struckmeier W, 1995 | 34 | 1995 |
Radioactivity study on sediments in a dam in the Wonderfonteinspruit catchment H Coetzee, P Wade, G Ntsume, W Jordaan Unpublished DWAF Report. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria …, 2002 | 32 | 2002 |
The timing and isotopic character of regional hydrothermal alteration and associated epigenetic mineralization in the western sector of the Kaapvaal Craton (South Africa) MJ Duane, FJ Kruger, AM Turner, HT Whitelaw, H Coetzee, BT Verhagen Journal of African Earth Sciences 38 (5), 461-476, 2004 | 29 | 2004 |
Contamination of Wetlands by Witwatersrand Gold Mines–Processes and the Economic Potential of Gold in Wetlands H Coetzee, J Venter, G Ntsume Council for Geoscience Technical Report 106, 2005 | 26 | 2005 |
Situation assessment of the surface water and groundwater resource environments in the Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site PJ Hobbs, M Butler, H Coetzee, A Jamison, R Leyland, J Venter Report prepared for the Management Authority. Pretoria: Economic Development …, 2011 | 23 | 2011 |
Water resources P Hobbs, E Day, P Rosewarne, S Esterhuyse, R Schulze, J Day, ... Scholes, R., Lochner, P., Schreiner, G., Snyman-Van der Walt, L. and de …, 2016 | 22 | 2016 |
Wasting water H Coetzee, D Cooper Going Green: People, politics and the environment in South Africa, 129-38, 1991 | 22 | 1991 |
An assessment of sources, pathways, mechanisms and risks of current and future pollution of water and sediments in the Wonderfonteinspruit Catchment H Coetzee, F Winde, P Wade Water Research Commission, WRC Report, 06, 2006 | 21 | 2006 |
GIS-based groundwater vulnerability modelling: A case study of the Witbank, Ermelo and Highveld Coalfields in South Africa E Sakala, F Fourie, M Gomo, H Coetzee Journal of African Earth Sciences 137, 46-60, 2018 | 19 | 2018 |
Intracrustal radioactivity as an important heat source for Neoarchean metamorphism in the Central Zone of the Limpopo Complex MAG Andreoli, G Brandl, H Coetzee, JD Kramers, H Mouri Geological Society of America Memoirs 207, 143-161, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Ground and airborne geophysical surveys identify potential subsurface acid mine drainage pathways in the Krugersdorp Game Reserve, Gauteng Province, South Africa H Coetzee, E Chirenje, P Hobbs, J Cole 11th SAGA Biennial Technical Meeting and Exhibition, cp-241-00096, 2009 | 15 | 2009 |
The potential environmental impact of the decant of water from Witwatersrand H Coetzee, U Horstmann, G Ntsume, L Croukamp Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Mine Water and the …, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |
Very high resolution remote sensing coupled to GIS-based environmental assessment–East Rand gold field, South Africa S Chevrel, C Courant, F Cottard, H Coetzee, A Bourguinon, A Ntsume Report BRGM/RP, 2003 | 15 | 2003 |