Separate visual pathways for perception and action MA Goodale, AD Milner Trends in neurosciences 15 (1), 20-25, 1992 | 8482 | 1992 |
The visual brain in action D Milner, M Goodale Oup Oxford, 2006 | 7172 | 2006 |
A neurological dissociation between perceiving objects and grasping them MA Goodale, AD Milner, LS Jakobson, DP Carey Nature 349 (6305), 154-156, 1991 | 1896 | 1991 |
Two visual systems re-viewed AD Milner, MA Goodale Neuropsychologia 46 (3), 774-785, 2008 | 1766 | 2008 |
Size-contrast illusions deceive the eye but not the hand S Aglioti, JFX DeSouza, MA Goodale Current biology 5 (6), 679-685, 1995 | 1466 | 1995 |
Large adjustments in visually guided reaching do not depend on vision of the hand or perception of target displacement MA Goodale, D Pelisson, C Prablanc Nature 320 (6064), 748-750, 1986 | 1171 | 1986 |
Sight unseen: An exploration of conscious and unconscious vision M Goodale, D Milner OUP Oxford, 2013 | 862 | 2013 |
Visually guided grasping produces fMRI activation in dorsal but not ventral stream brain areas JC Culham, SL Danckert, JFXD Souza, JS Gati, RS Menon, MA Goodale Experimental brain research 153, 180-189, 2003 | 816 | 2003 |
Ventral occipital lesions impair object recognition but not object‐directed grasping: an fMRI study TW James, J Culham, GK Humphrey, AD Milner, MA Goodale Brain 126 (11), 2463-2475, 2003 | 731 | 2003 |
Differences in the visual control of pantomimed and natural grasping movements MA Goodale, LS Jakobson, JM Keillor Neuropsychologia 32 (10), 1159-1178, 1994 | 720 | 1994 |
Separate neural pathways for the visual analysis of object shape in perception and prehension MA Goodale, JP Meenan, HH Bülthoff, DA Nicolle, KJ Murphy, CI Racicot Current Biology 4 (7), 604-610, 1994 | 696 | 1994 |
Factors affecting higher-order movement planning: a kinematic analysis of human prehension LS Jakobson, MA Goodale Experimental brain research 86, 199-208, 1991 | 691 | 1991 |
Visual control of reaching movements without vision of the limb: II. Evidence of fast unconscious processes correcting the trajectory of the hand to the final position of a … D Pélisson, C Prablanc, MA Goodale, M Jeannerod Experimental Brain Research 62, 303-311, 1986 | 685 | 1986 |
Visual pathways to perception and action AD Milner, MA Goodale Progress in brain research 95, 317-337, 1993 | 606 | 1993 |
An evolving view of duplex vision: separate but interacting cortical pathways for perception and action MA Goodale, DA Westwood Current opinion in neurobiology 14 (2), 203-211, 2004 | 589 | 2004 |
The effect of pictorial illusion on prehension and perception AM Haffenden, MA Goodale Journal of cognitive Neuroscience 10 (1), 122-136, 1998 | 571 | 1998 |
The objects of action and perception MA Goodale, GK Humphrey Cognition 67 (1-2), 181-207, 1998 | 531 | 1998 |
Haptic study of three-dimensional objects activates extrastriate visual areas TW James, GK Humphrey, JS Gati, P Servos, RS Menon, MA Goodale Neuropsychologia 40 (10), 1706-1714, 2002 | 519 | 2002 |
FMRI evidence for a 'parietal reach region' in the human brain JD Connolly, RA Andersen, MA Goodale Experimental Brain Research 153 (2), 140-145, 2003 | 501 | 2003 |
Visual control of reaching movements without vision of the limb: I. Role of retinal feedback of target position in guiding the hand C Prablanc, D Pélisson, MA Goodale Experimental brain research 62, 293-302, 1986 | 440 | 1986 |